
Peer reviewed publications:

15. Masiwal, Rajat, Vishal Dixit, and Ashwin K. Seshadri. "Contrasting controls on convection at latitude zones near and away from the equator for the Indian summer monsoon", Environmental Research Letters, Volume 18, Number 11 (2023) [Journal web-page]

14. Masiwal, Rajat, Vishal Dixit, and Ashwin K. Seshadri. "Explaining Dynamics and Rapid Onset of the Somali Jet Through Its Kinetic Energy Budget." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (2022) [Journal web-page].

13. Bao, Jiawei, Vishal Dixit, and Steven C. Sherwood. "Zonal temperature gradients in the tropical free troposphere." Journal of Climate (2022): 1-28. [Journal web-page]

12. Seshadri, Ashwin K., and Vishal Dixit. "Kinetic Energy Generation in Cross‐Equatorial Flow and the Somali Jet." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127.13 (2022): e2022JD036634. [Journal web-page]

11. Fuchs, David, Steven C. Sherwood, Darryn Waugh, Vishal Dixit, Matthew H. England, Yi-Ling Hwong, and Olivier Geoffroy. "Midlatitude jet position spread linked to atmospheric convective types." Journal of Climate (2022): 1-44. [Journal web-page]

10. Dixit, Vishal, Louise Nuijens, and Kevin C. Helfer. "Counter‐gradient momentum transport through subtropical shallow convection in ICON‐LEM simulations." Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 13.6 (2021): e2020MS002352. [Journal web-page]

9. Helfer, Kevin C., Louise Nuijens, and Vishal Dixit. "The role of shallow convection in the momentum budget of the trades from large‐eddy‐simulation hindcasts." Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 147.737 (2021): 2490-2505. [Journal web-page]

8. Mantsis, Damianos F., Steven Sherwood, Vishal Dixit, Hugh Morrison, and Greg Thompson. "Mid-level clouds over the Sahara in a convection-permitting regional model." Climate Dynamics 54, no. 7 (2020): 3425-3439. [Journal web-page]

7. Sherwood, Steven C., Vishal Dixit, and Chryséis Salomez. "The global warming potential of near-surface emitted water vapour." Environmental Research Letters 13.10 (2018): 104006.  [Journal web-page]

6. Dixit, Vishal, Olivier Geoffroy and Steven C. Sherwood,  "Control of ITCZ width by low-level radiative heating from upper-level clouds in aquaplanet simulations", Geophysical Research Letters, 45.11 (2018) : 5788-5797 [Journal web-page]

5. Dixit, Vishal, Steven Sherwood, Olivier Geoffroy and Damianos Mantsis,  "The Role of Non-linear Drying above the Boundary Layer in the Mid-Holocene African Monsoon", Journal of Climate, 31.1 (2018) : 233-249. [Accepted version]

4. Bao, Jiawei, Steven C. Sherwood, Maxime Collin and Vishal Dixit,  "The robust relationship between extreme precipitation and convective organization in idealized numerical modeling simulations", Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9.6 (2017) : 2291-2303. [Accepted version]

3. Dixit, Vishal, and J. Srinivasan, "The role of boundary layer momentum advection in the mean location of the ITCZ", Journal of Earth System Science, 126.6 (2017): 78. [Journal web-page], [Research Gate]

2. Dixit, Vishal, and J. Srinivasan, "The momentum constraints on the shallow meridional circulation associated with the marine ITCZ",  Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (2016) : 1-15. [Journal web-page], [Research Gate]

1. Dixit, Vishal, and J. Srinivasan, "The role of vertical shear of the meridional winds in the northward propagation of ITCZ", Geophysical Research Letters (2011), 38, no.8., [Journal web-page], [Research Gate]

Manuscripts under preparation/review :

Dixit, Vishal, Abhnil Prasad, David Fuchs and Steven C. Sherwood, The effect of representation of boundary layer mixing on the simulation of the mid-level clouds over Sahara, In preparation

Dixit, Vishal and Louise Nuijens, The contrasting influence of shallow and deep convective momentum transport on the ITCZ in aqua-planet simulations, In preparation