
Currently working on, 


Messier-1: Crab Nebula, NGC 7293: Helix Nebula, Messier 2

Processing image data for M33, Triangulum Galaxy and Orion nebula (10k resolution image in works).

Analyzing the data from summer internship 2024.

Looking for next research internship.

Featured in an exhibition

One of my captures, using the equipment at NAC, was shortlisted by Astronomads Bangla, for Indian Astrophotographer of the year 2024.

And the shortlisted picture was at the exhibition 'Lights of the cosmos' at M.P. Birla Planetarium in Kolkata during  28th December 2024 - 5th January 2025.

Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, captured with stunning clarity. Two of its Galilean moons – Io(on the right of Jupiter) and Ganymede (on the left of Jupiter), can be spotted in the field of view. The image also reveals a snapshot of the dynamic atmosphere of the gas giant.

From the two frames, we can make a rough but good estimate of the speeds of Jupiter's moons, and the rotational speed of Jupiter  on various points on Jupiter (near equator speed and near pole speed)

Equipment - Celestron CPC 1100 Deluxe HD, 0.2x barlow of diameter 2 inch, ZWO ASI 462MC (35ms x 3000 at 300 gain)

Another Astrophotography Workshop, by me

The workshop was focused on:

First of many astrophotography workshops, by me

The workshop was focused on:

Its not just about capturing cool images, the experimental data acquired using telescopes also has the same work flow.

A club talk, by me

This was a part of introductory talks, organized by NISER Astronomy Club on 7th October 2023. As a introduction of batch 2023 to the club. My talk was a short introduction to astrophotography and the super blue moon image.

I explained a brief history and basics of astrophotography. And how we captured that stunning image of the moon .

My part starts at 17:53

High Resolution Half Moon

This image of the Moon was captured using the 11 inch Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope of the NISER Astronomy Club.

Just a week after the first image was out on 6th October. We decided to try imaging the moon once more using the gained experience and the bigger telescope.

But this time the magnification was so high that we would need to divide a full moon into more than 90 parts to get the entirety of it, Luckily Moon was in Waning Crescent phase (55.51 % illuminated). We also used a 0.7x reducer, gaining a wider field of view. Still we needed to divide moon in 28 separate panels, to get the half moon. Dataset size was 150 gigabytes. After analyzing and processing, the resulting image was the most detailed image of the moon the club has captured till date.

The image is extremely high resolution, with one pixel corresponding to about 500 meters.(this image here is the highly compressed version of the same)

Image Resolution ~8K 

Super Blue Moon

This image of the Moon was captured using the 8 inch Newtonian telescope of the NISER Astronomy Club.

On this day it was the second full moon of the month and the Moon was on its closest approach to earth, being 10% bigger and 30% brighter.

To capture this image, we needed to divide moon into 12 panels, because the magnification due to our sensor and the telescope was high enough that only 1/12th of it was visible in one go.

The resulting data set was a 100 Gigabytes, and after analyzing and processing the data, this image was the result (this is a highly compressed version).

Image resolution ~4K

Captured on 31st August 2023.

Line Following Bot 2.0

While the pervious iteration worked, there is always room for improvement. We changed out the wheels and motors, with the ones that provided better grip and torque.

We then went on to make a upgrade to its code, and I wrote a entire new code based on the PID algorithm.

Next month (after the first competition), there was another Line follower bot competition in IIT Bhubaneshwar during there fest in March 2023.


Line Following Bot

I was a part of the team that made this 'line following bot' under the Robotics Club.

The bot used infrared sensors to sense the 'line'.  And based on the output of these sensors did corrections to the motor speed of both wheels, essentially following the line. We used Arduino as our microcontroller.

The team went to a Line follower competition hosted by Silicon Institute of Technology Bhubaneshwar during there fest in February 2023, and our team came in second.
