Visa for India: Top Tips for Completing Visa Applications for India

From the thrill of the streets of Mumbai to the surreal experience of visiting the Taj Mahal, be sure to get your visa for India before going on vacation. The application procedure can be somewhat confusing. There are several steps to take and losing, even a small part of the process, can cause delays.

To obtain a visa for India, you will need to complete a long two-page application online on the Travisa website. The Indian Consulate now outsources two different parts of the application process to, which is an established expedited company. The consulate is still reviewing and approving visa applications.

Travisa handles the customer service side when applications are submitted and also when the approved visa is collected. Please note that you do not have to pay Travisa to expedite the service if you are going to apply in person or by mail. You only need the visa acceleration service if you need your travel documents as fast as possible.

The Indian consulate can be quite strict on the requirements. First, your application must be completed online and submitted electronically. Each field must be completed with complete precision or your request could end up delayed or rejected.

Proof of residence

One of the most complicated parts of the application is to establish proof of residency. In the app, you will see that it asks for both your permanent address and your current address. If your current address is on your valid driver's license, use it in the permanent and current address fields.

On the other hand, if you have a previous address on your driver's license, make a copy of your current utility bills that have your name and address on it. Sometimes the Indian embassy delays processing when different addresses are listed. So if you're in that boat, definitely include utility bills in addition to a copy of your valid ID.

Your host's contact details

Enter the name and contact information of the hotel you are staying on on the second page of the application where you want a contact name. Unless you're staying with someone you know.

In that case, include your complete contact information. The India visa consulate will not process the visa if this field is left blank.

Choose the correct type of visa

Also be sure to select the correct type of visa and the duration of validity. There are different prices depending on the visa you request. Therefore, you do not want to end up overpaying for a visa that is valid for an extended period if you are only going to take a short trip.

After electronically submitting your information, you still need to print a hard copy. Put your signature at the bottom of the second page and review the information on both pages.