
BIO 411/BIO 521. General Microbiology. 3 Hours

Introductory course stressing the physiology, cultivation, and classification of microbial organisms; their role in medicine, agriculture, and industry. Prerequisite(s): BIO 152, CHM 313


BIO 411L. General Microbiology Laboratory. 1 Hour

Lab exercises focusing on the basic techniques involved in the isolation and identification of bacteria, including assessment of biochemical activities, growth characteristics of bacteria, and the impact of the environment on microbial growth. One three-hour laboratory per week. Corequisite(s): BIO 411


BIO 496/BIO 596*. Virology. 3 Hours

Course focusing on understanding of virology, with special emphasis on human and animal viruses, their structure, genetic make-up, strategies of virus replication, and classification. This course will also cover the individual virus families, the mechanism of viral pathogenesis, strategies to control and prevent the virus infection along with their diagnosis. Prerequisite(s): BIO 151, BIO 152

BIO 496L*. Immunology Laboratory. 1 Hour

The course is designed to familiarize students with immunology and immunological techniques.  Laboratory exercises in this course include the isolation and identification of immune cells, and determining their function. Students will be exposed to generating hyperimmune serum, performing various immunological assays, and interpreting their results. The laboratory exercises will cover the techniques that are frequently used in serology-based disease diagnosis. Knowledge gained in this course will help students with their advanced degrees in biomedical research involving immunological techniques and critical analysis.  


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