The present world situation lead to the cancellation of all the major conferences and meetings. The Center for Complexity and Biosystems of the University of Milan responds to this situation by organizing a seminar series that started in September 2020. We offer an attractive format for speakers and audience in the quickly growing research field of complex systems with prominent speakers from all around the world. Fields of applications of complexity are varied and span all the physical, biological and social science.

The focus will be on interdisciplinary contributions based on quantitative tools, theoretical and computational models, big data analysis and experiments. We call the scientific community working on complex systems and related area to propose speakers and seminar topics by writing an email to or to the organizers.

Seminars will take place on zoom (register below) and will be streamed/stored on our youtube channel.

For more information on the CC&B click here.

Marianna Dourou, Marco Zanchi, Caterina La Porta, Alessandra Micheletti, Stefano Zapperi
Center for Complexity and Biosystems,
Department of Environmental Science and Policy and Department of Physics
University of Milan, Milan, Italy