Political will for a livable world

Virtual Postcard Project

We're spreading the word that we want Congress to do something about climate change and we need your help. It's easy to do! Learn more and create your own virtual postcard here.

We're gathering widespread encouragement for our local Representatives Doris Matsui and Ami Bera to support a bill to price carbon in the US House of Representatives along the lines of this session's Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Would you help us? We'll send your Virtual Postcard to your Representative, post your statement and photo on our website and/or social media to increase participation throughout our district. Please ask your friends and family to submit as well !

Not sure about the identity of your Representative? Not a problem! Just visit https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative!

Drafting Your Virtual Postcard

Using our Virtual Postcard Builder (below)....

Please provide your name so that we can add it to your postcard, where you live, and your email address so that we can contact you in case we have questions about your submission.

Type up a message to be included on your postcard. In 50 words or less, why do you support efforts like carbon pricing to address climate change?

Next, upload a picture of yourself to be included on your postcard. We suggest a photo of you with something you love. Outdoors is great too. Since your photo will take up less than half of the postcard, choose a photo that is portrait oriented. (File size limit: 10 MB)

Then, give us permission to use your photo. We may post your card on our website and share it on social media in addition to sending it on to your Representative.

Thank you!

***if you would prefer to work with a template slide instead, contact us at CCLSacOutreach@gmail.com***

What's next?

Your virtual postcard will be assembled by CCL-Sacramento volunteers. We'll send you a copy, via email, for your final review before we use it. Your email address will not be added to any CCL mailing list. It will only be used if we need have questions about your submission and to send you a copy of your postcard.


Contact us at CCLSacOutreach@gmail.com or edithsccl@gmail.com to get more information about the Sacramento Chapter of CCL or the Virtual Postcard Project!