This year's Museum Night introdouces the intriguing idea of "Museums and a new audience." The theme resonated with the partners in the project who  reflected and brainstormed on how to transpose the venerable narratives of ancient gods and myths into the nuanced tapestry of the 21st century. So the partners endeavored to present these timeless sagas with a renewed vibrancy, so they can be re-discovered or re-interpreted by an audience attuned to the contemporary, mostly digital lifestyle. In essence, the partners tried and succeded in transcending temporal boundaries and introdouce ancient deities and myths to "a new audience" of students of the modern era. 

So let the ancient gods and myths find a new audience in the 21st century. 

The myths of Odysseus 

Students from Junior High School of Karea, in Athens, Greece mentored by Alexandra Papachristou and students from Primary School of Brela, Croatia, mentored by Gorana Babić and Maja Brzica, have produced an abundance of creative materials, from presentations and beautiful artwork, to entertaining games, all themed around the Odyssey.

Baba Jaga and Hercules

Joanna Sokołowska-Witowska and her students from Zespół Szkół Nr 3 in Bożków, Poland, and Alexandra Veretta and her students from the 1st Experimental Primary School of Alexandroupolis, Greece, collaborated on two myths: about Baba Jaga, an interesting and complex character with both positive and negative aspects from Slavic mythology; and Hercules, a Greek demigod and hero, famed for his exceptional strength and courage. The students let their imagination run wild and created a story in which these two mythological creatures meet. Watch the video and find out what happens!

Kikimora and the Morai 

The collaboration of students from ZS s MS Sucha nad Parnou, Slovakia, mentored by Elena Jankovicova and Zuzana Lukacovicova and students from Arsakeio Gymnasium, a private Junior High School in Psychiko, Athens mentored by Angela Metallinou, was conducted on the topic of Kikimora, a mischievous creature from Slavic folklore, and Moirai, figures from the Greek mythology. They published their findings in this interesting and educational booklet, and prepared two interesting quizzes for you!
After reading the book and doing the quizzes, you can watch interviews with them in an episode of Gods and Myths TV news.

Phaethon and Helios Chariot 

The tragic story of Helios and his son Phaethon is presented by students of Primary school Petar Zrinski,  Zagreb, Croatia, mentored by Julija Vejić, Marijana Leško, Romana Jelić, and students of Coronia Junior High School, Greece mentored by Philanti Zoes and Maria Evmorfuli.

The students were very creative in interpreting the story. Do you want to find out how? Flip the pages and read their version of the story.

If you want to download this wonderful book as a pdf document, click here.

If you want to listen to students reading the story, click here.


King Midas & the Golden Touch 

This timeless story, talking about greed and how money can't buy you love, is told by creative and talented students of Primary school Smiljevac, Zadar, Croatia, and students of Gymnasio Episkopis, Naousa, Greece, with their teachers Vanja Paleka and Evrydiki Gkori.

The Labors of Hercules

Did you know that The Labors of Hercules, also known as the Twelve Labors, are a series of tasks that the Greek hero Hercules was assigned as a form of punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness, induced by Hera, the wife of Zeus? Completing these tasks was meant to redeem Hercules and cleanse him of his wrongdoing. 

Read about these redeeming acts in this wonderful book created in collaboration of the 1st Experimental Primary School of Alexandroupolis, Greece (Domna Papadopoulo) and the Secondary School Galbinasi, Romania (Florescu Daniela).

Iris, the goddess of rainbow

Step into the enchanting realms of Lamia, Greece, and Kloštar Ivanić, Croatia, as Nasia Kanatoula from 2nd Primary School Lamia and Ksenija Kahlina from OŠ braće Radića Kloštar Ivanić transport you into the magical world of Iris, the Goddess of Rainbows. As the narrative unfolds, secrets of ancient mythology and the magic of imagination converge, revealing a tale that captivates hearts across continents and generations!                             CLICK ON THE PICTURE  👉

In collaboration with the vibrant imaginations of students from Lycee Franco Hellenique Eugene Delacroix and their teacher Graneta Karetza in Greece, and Anita Damjanović from OŠ Sesvetski Kraljevec in Croatia, a lexicon of gods and myths comes to life. If you ever wanted to know more about Icarus, Artemis, or Lada, let the pages of this lexicon be your guide to a world where storytelling knows no limits. 

A Lexicon of Greek and Slavic Gods

Our Lexicon of Gods

 Orpheus and Eurydice 

One of the most unforgettable and saddest love stories comes to life in beautiful storytelling and illustrations made by students of 16th Experimental Primary School Lamia Greece and OŠ Obrovac, Croatia under the careful guidance of their teachers Panagiota Kranioti and Ivana Zalovic Troskot.

Together they explore the power of love and music and the way our doubts and insecurities can cost us dearly.

Explore this epic journey of two love-struck lovers to underworld and back!

Roman Gods,up close and personal 

How familiar are you with Roman gods and goddesses? In this interesting book, designed by students of Milli Eğitim Vakfı Anatolian High School from Iğdır, Turkey, with their teacher Seher Eret, and students of "Matija Gubec" Elementary school from Čeminac, Croatia,  with their teacher Dajana Vidaković, Roman gods introduce themselves and tell you their own stories through texts and illustrations. 

Meet a part of the Roman pantheon, up close and personal. 

Turkish mythology

Who are Umay and Ülgen? 

In this presentation by the students of Lalahan Multi Programmed Anatolian High School, Ankara, Türkey, and their teacher Özlem Özüdoğru, discover fascinating Turkish gods. 

Umay, the caring goddess of protection, shields children and young animals while Ülgen is considered the Zeus of the Turkish myths. Together, they form a harmonious duo, ensuring the well-being and innocence of the youngest beings in the world. 

Welcome to Turkish mythology, waiting to unfold!

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box is a captivating story that tells of a curious woman named Pandora who opens a mysterious box, unleashing both blessings and troubles upon the world. 

Students from European School Brussels I with their teacher Anita Žepina and the creative mind of Ksenija Kahlina from OŠ braće Radića in Kloštar Ivanić have collaborated to bring this amazing tale to life, weaving together the threads of Greek mythology and their own imaginative twists.