The Virtual Microscopy Database was made possible by an Innovation Grant and continued support from the American Association for Anatomy (AAA), Bethesda, MD.
Our special thanks goes to the team of MBF Bioscience (Williston, VT), specifically Jack Glaser and Dr. Nate O’Connor, who not only made their imaging and file archiving software available to the VMD, but also spent numerous hours with us to integrate their software system into the website and the growing Virtual Microscopy Database.
We are greatly indebted to Dr. Bob Ogilvie (University of South Carolina) for his guidance and advice for the project. This thanks also extends to our colleagues, who are members of the AAA Digital Microscopy Interest Group, for their suggestions and offers of donating their virtual slide collections to the VMD.
We greatly appreciate Derick Brown’s VMD logo design (Jerronimo Brown Studio, Alexandria, VA).