Intern and employer experience

Intern and employer experience of virtual internships

We would like to learn from interns' and employers' first hand experience about how virtual internships compare to in-person internships and whether virtual internships help widen participation to disadvantaged groups.

To do this, we are talking to a range of student and graduate interns who have experiences of taking part in virtual/remote/hybrid internships and employers who have experience of organizing such internships.

We are carrying out research interviews by invitation, and are looking for anyone interested to join in as well.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. By taking part in our project, your input will help develop best practice guidance for virtual internships for interns, employers and higher education institutions.

Interns' experiences

If you are 

please get in touch with us to arrange an interview.

Employers' experiences

If you are 

please share your experiences via a form (hosted via Google forms) or get in touch with us to arrange an interview.