virtual demo center
FOR Assistive listening devices
HLAA Rochester NY Chapter*
Our HLAA Rochester NY chapter offers a live, in-person Assistive Listening Device (ALD) Demonstration Center**.
On this Virtual Demo Center website you will find information on all the Assistive Listening Devices(ALDs) for Hearing Loss that are available to try free of charge in the live Demo Center. In addition, this site helps you to find other ALDs beyond the Demo Center, information on assistive listening apps for Smartphones, Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant Assistive Listening Accessories, Alerting Devices, Caption Phones, shopping tips for OTC hearing aids, and more.
ALDs and apps can improve speech understanding for those without hearing aids as well as those with hearing aids who may have difficulty hearing clearly in some difficult listening environments.
Click here to see what qualifies as an Assistive Listening Device.
If this is your first visit to the Virtual Demo Center, please read the VDC Overview and VDC Guide.
*Hearing Loss Association of America - Rochester NY Chapter
**The live, in-person Demo Center is open on the third Thursday of each month September-June. Check here for the current schedule. ALD products in the live, in-person Demo Center are available for visitors to try out free of charge with personal assistance and guidance from our volunteers.