Note: The package architecture has to match the Linux kernel architecture, that is, if you are running a 64-bit kernel, install the appropriate AMD64 package (it does not matter if you have an Intel or an AMD CPU). Mixed installations (e.g. Debian/Lenny ships an AMD64 kernel with 32-bit packages) are not supported. To install VirtualBox anyway you need to setup a 64-bit chroot environment.

We provide a yum/dnf-style repository for Oracle Linux/Fedora/RHEL/openSUSE. All .rpm packages are signed. The Oracle public key for rpm can be downloaded here. You can add this key (not normally necessary, see below!) with

Virtualbox Download Ftp

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Note that importing the key is not necessary for yum users (Oracle Linux/Fedora/RHEL/CentOS) when using one of the virtualbox.repo files from below as yum downloads and imports the public key automatically! Zypper users should run

While common, widely used & supported USB devices such as mouse and keyboard HIDs connected to the host machine have been working well within the VBox guest (otherwise it would be plenty useless ), more "niche" USB devices such as FTDI, ST-Link or Keil debuggers for STM32, were extremely unreliable or didn't work at all, and our whole team back then couldn't resolve the issues and we gave up on that.

Now, I don't know whether there's anything inherent in the whole setup that makes this problem eternal, or it was just the state of development of VBox and/or the involved operating systems and drivers of back then.

I actually am thinking about using Linux as a host in my new laptop (that is to be carried around only in special situations, not regularly), and putting Windows in a VM for certain use cases. But Linux-on-Linux is also an imaginable scenario. More on that below.

Has this improved? Is STM32 development from within a VM, including debugging the hardware connected to the host computer (ST-link with reliable instruction stepping, variable reads, as well as virtual com port text), feasible now?

I could have the VirtualMachine, with all the work-related stuff installed, on an external drive, and carry that between work-from-home vs. work-in-office days, plug it in, and just run the VM and everything is fine. While, when at home not working, the rest of the laptop is untouched by work stuff, and vice versa.

If you search the net for search terms like "st-link virtualbox", you will find a lot of similar questions, but also messages that it works without problems or hints that you have to share USB ports (by default = dsbl) or activate the USB EHCI controller in the VM, etc- All in all, it doesn't seem to be a problem with the ST-Link or its drivers, but with Virtualbox and its settings.

However, I have not yet tested this myself in the- Virtualbox, because I can easily take a project that works with relative paths as an archive and debug it on another computer, so that a VM does not bring any significant advantage.

Problem: While in Ubuntu's desktop and other Ubuntu initiated programs, the window is reduced to about 3x4 inches showing in the middle of the rest of my regular Virtual Box window. I am seeing only the upper right hand of the screen output of what I would normally see.

I have come to realize that the solution described above is just a fallback, in case installing the Guest Additions failed for some reason. I have finally managed to successfully install them, and can now choose from a bigger range of resolutions in the display settings. Here is how I did it, after having tried all of the above.

One thing I had already tried earlier wassudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11This is not enough in itself, but might be a necessary prerequisite for the following steps (of which some might not be necessary...).

Make sure you have installed the latest version of Virtual Box(*). Be careful that if you ask Virtual Box to update to the latest version it might very likely declare being updated even if a newer version exists!

It might be a good idea to start from a clean distribution, creating a new virtual machine, install there Ubuntu (I allowed downloading updated packages from the network during installation), and cloning it before proceeding, so that if you have troubles you can avoid restarting from the very beginning.

Install build-essential and linux-headers-generic packages. Apparently, it's also reccomended to install dkms, as "Running DKMS in the guest OS will keep Guest Additions installed after a guest kernel update".

I remained stuck for several days in low screen resolution in a Ubuntu 14.04 guest running on VirtualBox 4.1 on Debian Wheezy. None of the most commonly suggested solutions (e.g. installing virtualbox-guest-dkms, installing guest additions) helped. Installing VirtualBox from the official downloads page worked!

No information at all on the internet how to boot Voss in virtualbox? I am almost sure that I found a topic about this on a site, can't remember which one though. You can check this source about .vmdk, the steps are almost the same, it can help you to boot the Voss. I didn't try it before, but according to people from the commentary section it worked perfectly, so it can work for you as well. The process is described in details, so you should have no problems with it, everything is very clear.

Unfortunately, my attempts to boot Voss in Virtualbox fails. This is with VOSS 8.2 configured with 64 bit Linux as OS and 2048 Mb RAM. Same result with converting image from qcow2 to vmdk and importing qcow2 directly to Virtualbox.

With new version you need to use VMSVGA driver, unfortunately NixOS needs a fix to work with it, and here it is: nixos/virtualbox-guest: support VMSVGA graphics adapter by bachp Pull Request #86473 NixOS/nixpkgs GitHub but it is hanging there, I guess it needs attention from someone who can merge it.

The second one is creating a service that would run VBoxClient --vmsvga this will enable screen resizing. Note though that the patch that is waiting (nixos/virtualbox-guest: support VMSVGA graphics adapter by bachp Pull Request #86473 NixOS/nixpkgs GitHub) is using xrandr to change screen size, once it is merged those two might conflict with each other and you should remove this from your config.

I like this method, because it seems to work better on my machine, it also resizes the login screen. It looks like it needs to run as root though (maybe there is a way to make it run as unprivileged user). From what I read other OSes also run this as a service so perhaps this is correct approach.

I was able to make this work by making vboxclient systemd service to run in user namespace and depending (via WantedBy) on Here is the configuration which worked for me (with also a service for clipboard sharing):

the version of this one is critical - it should match the virtualbox version

This can be a problem in Manjaro, where the virtualbox may be a lower version than the host modules available from the AUR!

Nothing I know of.

The only thing that I could find quickly was the recommendation to boot the windows machine and let it sit a while to autodetect the virtualized USB ports and install drivers for it.

Thanks for your help.

I did install [linux515-virtualbox-host-modules-6.1.32-1 and checked again i was in the the group.

After a reboot i have a message that says " failed to load kernel modules".

When i check i have this return:

That's it, now you have 2 way communication, with apache/any other service available as well as internet. The final step is to setup a share. Do not use the shared folders feature in virtualbox, it's quite buggy especially with windows 7 (and 64 bit). Instead use samba shares - fast and efficient.

The best way to do this is to use a Bridge Adapter in virtualbox. In virtual box go to the settings for your machine->Network->Adapter 1 and select Bridged Adapter. This will make you virtual machine part of your main network.

Just for short, you have to create a new Virtualbox, selecting fedora Linux and as a boot CD you can use the iso you downloaded.

Then start from Iso. Now you have to install it to your created virtualbox.

At that screen you click the button on the lower right, then reboot to launch the installed VM. (do that before removing the install media). Once the VM starts it will do the initial setup where a user is created.

Not sure if needed when running the USB port in pass-through mode to a VM in VirtualBox under Windows 10 but normally when wanting to access the adapter direct under Windows 10 you would need to install drivers:

It is an option for you though - you run your PC as the media server, and also run VirtualBox already. So your could easily run HAOS as your VM guest, directly under your VirtualBox. This is what Hedda meant to convey.

In the future, the method that always works for me is to add the USB stick in virtualbox. Then remove the stick and shut down the virtual machine. While it is off, plug the stick back in. Then start the VM.

A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or virtualizer, is a type of computer software, firmware or hardware that creates and runs virtual machines. A computer on which a hypervisor runs one or more virtual machines is called a host machine, and each virtual machine is called a guest machine. The hypervisor presents the guest operating systems with a virtual operating platform and manages the execution of the guest operating systems. Unlike an emulator, the guest executes mo...

Hi there, I am wondering if there is any easy way to delete files in virtualbox?Like the "delete" option when you right click in Windows.The files I'd like to delete is located at /home/gui/downloads. I can only view them through the sage notebook but have no idea how to delete them.I am using sage5.0 on Windows 7, and the virtual machine is virtualbox.I am completely new to sage and linux system. Any help will be highly appreciated. 152ee80cbc

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