Why You Should NOT Become a Virtual Assistant

Are you looking to retrain in a career with a future for a better professional life and more freedom ?

Have you heard about virtual assistance and want to know more?

In this article, you'll discover that not everything is as rosy as people say about this profession. And why, in reality, you should NOT become a virtual assistant

At least, if you really want to gain more freedom, meaning and be fulfilled in your daily life...

Just before, let's see exactly  what the job of a virtual assistant entails.  And its advantages (on paper), particularly compared to salaried employment.

You will thus have all the information to make the right choice for you…

What is a virtual assistant?

The virtual assistant supports clients remotely, in a versatile manner, generally on the administrative part of the activity. 

The virtual assistant works freelance and supports all types of clients, from traditional companies to 100% online businesses.

The virtual assistant's missions are varied: 


There is a strong need for this type of service because companies are getting used to working with remote freelancers. 

Online businesses, such as e-commerce or infopreneurship (i.e. those that sell online training) are the first to be interested. They delegate part of their virtual assistant administrative and/or their recurring and time-consuming tasks.

Indeed, since their activity is dematerialized, it is very easy and practical to entrust missions to a person who works remotely.

The Benefits of Virtual Assistance

Virtual assistance is hot and booming lately . It's a real hit.

On one of the freelance platforms, 5euros.com (now Comeup ), the number of virtual assistants increased from 11,387 to 14,656  in barely a year.

It's not going to stop there.  And we understand why.

On paper, it sounds great

Working from home, teleworking, flexibly.

Manage your schedule as you wish and have time for yourself and your family.

Have versatile missions.

Being able to easily convert to micro-enterprise status.

Be your own boss and no longer be stuck in wage employment…

These are good reasons to want to become a virtual assistant, like thousands of other people.

We'll see right after why it's not as beautiful as it looks.

Who is this job for?

Now let's see who can become a virtual assistant. Because as with all professions, there are people for whom the tasks are natural and who will really enjoy them. 

And then other people who want the advantages that are written on paper, but don't realize the daily life behind them. And sometimes this daily life may not ultimately resemble their dream... 

Let's now look at the qualities required to become a virtual assistant and, above all, enjoy it.


The qualities required to become a virtual assistant and enjoy this profession.

The virtual assistant profession may suit you if: 

Of course, training is always possible to acquire skills that you may lack to bring your project to fruition. 

Do you like it?
Do you recognize yourself and want to get started?

Read on to find out everything and consciously confirm that it is this online profession that you want to retrain for.  

Becoming a virtual assistant is not so easy

Once they get started, most people quickly become disillusioned.

Despite all the advantages and the apparent ease of becoming a virtual assistant , the reality is that it is not so easy to succeed in making a decent living from your activity.

Now this is an absolutely fundamental point.

If you cannot make a living from your activity, and you have to keep a sideline, perhaps as an employee, what is the point of retraining? 

Questions and disappointments arise very quickly when you start using virtual assistance and they are numerous:

 “I don’t know how to sell myself, how can I get customers easily? ” 

 “There is a lot of competition, how can I stand out? “ 

 “Prospects and clients don’t understand my prices and I always have to justify myself. » 

“I only do repetitive tasks, I feel like I'm doing online secretarial work . » 

“I don’t feel fully fulfilled on a daily basis. »


You may be thinking that there are disadvantages to every job anyway.

And that's true. 

That being said, when we think about a reconversion, even more so when we think about virtual assistance, it is for good reasons. 

And it’s certainly not to lock oneself up in a new prison, or get into trouble…

If you want to change, it's to have:

And you are right ! 

If you are interested in the profession, get all the information you need to make an informed choice and avoid making a mistake.

The truth about virtual assistance

In reality, no one tells you the truth about virtual assistant administrative.

The truth is that there are 3 major problems with this activity. Disadvantages that have a strong impact on the probability of being able to really make a living from this activity .


I have just published a Free Masterclass which is a big kick in the anthill. And which will perhaps make you change your mind about your reconversion. 

Because if you are thinking about retraining in virtual assistance, it is to take advantage of the full-time benefits.

You want a job that gives you freedom, significant income AND fun on a daily basis.


Discover the Truth about Virtual Assistance and the 3 problems to overcome to succeed in your reconversion in this masterclass: