So, I am new to Palo Alto firewalls and have had an interesting time getting to know their functions. I have a question which I have not been able to find the answer on regarding HA path monitoring setup specifically with a virtual router. Albeit, I have only been looking for a few days.

Virtual routers handle traffic for one or more virtual services within your mesh. After you create a virtual router, you can create and associate routes for your virtual router that direct incoming requests to different virtual nodes.

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(Optional) For Listener configuration, specify a Port and Protocol for your virtual router. The http listener permits connection transition to websockets. You can click Add Listener to add multiple listeners. The Remove button will remove that listener.

In the Virtual Routers table, choose the virtual router that you want to delete and select Delete in the top right corner. To delete a virtual router, your account ID must be listed in either the Mesh owner or the Resource owner columns of the virtual router.

I am jumping here to just let you know guys that login will NOT work for the vrouter - it does not support full contextualization as a regular VM - so setting PASSWORD env. variable will not set the root password.

As for your question - I think the Start script is the right place - but because you are already inside the vrouter vm - you can just install iptables-persistent and do it the right way (alpine way) or via rc.local etc.

That net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 I think was not necessary - that is implied in the vrouter but if you want to have it there nonetheless - you can verify that it was not already set by sysctl -a | grep net.ipv4.ip_forward. If you still want to setup net.ipv4.conf.eth?.forwarding manually you can do that in /etc/sysctl.conf or a similar place.

In that case you just add to each of those vrouters that other network/NIC - default gateway will be different for each subnet but that is not a problem - it will just add a new route to each vrouter so they will know how to route traffic between those private networks.

You must either setup vnet without the gw and at the same time setup the default gw per VM by some other means - OR better - set gw for the vnet and configure vrouter in such way that it gets those IPs (vrouter must own the gw IPs).

The question you're asking, I think, can be more generally stated to be "How can you control what devices connect to your network (virtual or real)?", and the current solution is 802.1x. The downside is that implementing .1x isn't a light lift, but if you truly want to stop devices from connecting then this would be how.

Keep in mind you have to make sure you 'wire' the virtual machine properly, so it has both an uplink interface to your gateway / router for comms to your network and downlink interfaces for whatever you want to be using it as it's router (VM's, edge appliances in this case etc). For example, mine have 4 vmnics attached for diferent purposes, 1 uplink, 3 for downlink and different addresses. In the example above, I have 4 interfaces but only 2 in use. The attached image shows an example of the topology in my lab, also if you refer to this article that I wrote it shows you a bit more about the topology ( topology 3) Multisite Deployment of NSX-T Data Center | LAB2PROD

This is done by firing up a VPN on your PC, then connecting your other device to the network your PC is sending out rather than to your normal router. Your PC acts as a go-between, layering on VPN protection for devices down the chain to benefit from.

The main reason for using a virtual router with streaming devices like Roku is to access geo-blocked content. With a streaming VPN this is super simple to do on more advanced devices like smartphones and PCs, but for more basic products a virtual router is essential.

I have tried installing Virtual router in my laptop having Realtek RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter. But it shows Error: group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. I tried sharing LAN or WiFi both but for both result is same. I also tried Hotfix

I am using android emulator on windows. The android developer doc says that each instance of the emulator runs behind a virtual router/firewall service. The virtual router for each instance manages the 10.0.2/24 network address space . However, when I connect to the emulator with adb shell and do ifconfig, I got the following output:

And others like it. None of them worked however, and my phone would be "unable to connect to the network" with no other error given. I then read about creating a virtual router from within the CMD ( -a-windows-8-1-pc-into-a-wi-fi-hotspot-with-the-com-1593327340) and did the steps mentioned. However when I try to connect, it says that I am inputting the wrong password. It's not user error, as I have tried multiple times. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Connectify Hotspot does a whole lot more than your average virtual router. Not only can you share Internet with all your devices, but Hotspot even lets you share files with iPads, Kindles, and any other devices connected to your Hotspot. Want more? Our virtual router gives you an at-a-glance view of what devices are currently connected, and even offers firewall permissions to control which devices can access the Internet and your Local Area Network, too.

The physical machine will be connected directly to the colocation service so I will have a specific static IP that I will need to use for the physical machine. I am new to networking like this and I'm having trouble figuring out how to setup either a) the physical machine with routing capability or b) setting up a VM to act as the router. In both cases I will not have the ability to put my own physical router in the location and thus need to be able to route traffic to the VM's using a virtual router.

Since I have the one public static IP I am assuming that will need to go to the physical machine and then through something like RRAS I would somehow create the equivalent of a router that could either a) assign IP's to the VM's through DHCP or b) route to static IP's that have been assigned to each VM. All the VM's will need to be able to access the internet.

I guess my question is through what I have described is it possible for me to use something that is built in to Windows Server 2012 to achieve what I want with 1 physical NIC, 1 public static IP, 1 physical server, and multiple VM's on Hyper-V? If so does anyone know of any good information on how to set this up because I keep finding information out there but in most cases there is some physical router being assumed in what I have read and thus I am stuck at the moment.

Using this, all your virtual machines have a private subnet(say,, Your router is bridged to the World on the physical interface. and has a virtual link to the VM LAN network. Your physical system then has no direct connection using it's physical interface, and an a private address on a virtual link to the VM LAN as well.

Set the physical NIC for your external IP and set your virtual adaptor as a static internal IP Address for example, you other VM's can then be allocated IP Address in the same range or may want to use DHCP.

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 lets you configure a NAT using powershell, i would not recommend this in a production environment though. -us/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/user-guide/setup-nat-network

I would suggest you to try disabling your internal wifi adaptor and enable it again. You should also use these virtual router software that works every time just type ncpa.cpl in the run then you will be able to connect it.

Navigating the realm of virtual routers can feel akin to threading an ethernet cable through a labyrinth of Wi-Fi networks. As an individual deeply immersed in technology, I've turned devices like Android, iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices into free Wi-Fi hotspots, juggled IP addresses in a data center, and fine-tuned LAN adapters for optimal performance.

The benefits? A wireless network at your fingertips, authentication features for secure connectivity, and the freedom to facilitate file sharing without an actual wireless router. With these free software solutions, broadband restrictions and the need for a physical modem are things of the past. One of the main pain points that this software address is the simplification of network connection setup, allowing for a smoother Wi-Fi connection. Now, are you ready to explore these options?

A virtual router is a software-based system that does everything a physical router can. It is a default gateway for computers sharing a network, operating within the host device's hardware. It is widely used by businesses, individuals, and service providers to simplify network setup, enabling multiple devices to use the same internet connection. In its most straightforward definition, a virtual router morphs your device into a Wi-Fi access point, thereby creating a hosted network with its unique SSID.

Beyond sharing internet access, virtual routers offer additional functionalities like network traffic management, firewall rules enforcement, Bridged WiFi Access Points, and even virtual private network (VPN) setups. These tools also support Android, Mac iOS, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. They also consist of a GUI and a service application called TekSpot, PPPoE, HTTP, DHCP server, and a proxy DNS server. This makes them indispensable for maintaining secure and efficient digital communication environments.

ARPMiner serves as a high-functioning virtual router, specifically designed to uphold robust security measures. Offering more than just connectivity reinforces your network's defenses while providing the necessary routing capabilities.

I chose ARPMiner due to its uncompromising focus on security. Compared to other virtual routers, it stands out with its emphasis on providing secure connectivity. This tool is best for those prioritizing network safety, so it's hailed for robust security features. 0852c4b9a8

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