I'm using the Android Emulator (version 28.0.23-5264690) to develop an app that uses QR codes. The Virtual Scene feature for the camera on the emulator has an option to add your own images to the scene:

When using the emulator with a camera app, you can import an image in PNG or JPEG format to be used within a virtual scene. To choose an image for use in a virtual scene, click Add image in the Camera -> Virtual scene images tab in the Extended controls dialog.

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However, I've tried adding both JPG's and PNG's in the Emulator settings, but they never show up in the virtual scene in either the stock camera app or my own app. I've tried restarting the emulator as well, but still no luck.

Any app built for mobile devices needs to be tested-early and often-within mobile environments for context and compatibility. Early in the app development lifecycles, emulators and simulators are used for rapid prototyping and unit testing.

Note: Bear in mind that emulators and simulators are only fit for use in the initial stages of testing. Website emulators, browser simulators. mobile phone simulators, online virtual devices, and the like are not reliable enough to run tests on for public release of apps and sites. The best practice, without exception, is to test on real devices.

In honesty, virtual mobile device emulators can be rather unreliable when it comes to testing Android apps and websites. Given their various limitations, they simply cannot replicate real-world conditions, thus leading to inconclusive and inaccurate results. They cannot be trusted to test apps and websites for public release.

The Android emulator abstracts hardware differences. It emulates everything from the higher-level operating system right down to the lower-level I/O (input-output model), memory cells, instruction sets, et al. This gives you a very close imitation of a real device environment, despite the enormous performance overhead.

Emulators and simulators are popular for their ease of access. They are available within the SDK (Android as well as XCode). In a few clicks, you can test your current project inside a virtual device environment.

I am using android emulator on windows. The android developer doc says that each instance of the emulator runs behind a virtual router/firewall service. The virtual router for each instance manages the 10.0.2/24 network address space . However, when I connect to the emulator with adb shell and do ifconfig, I got the following output:

on Ubuntu 16.04 I have installed AndroidStudio and via its AVD manager GUI did create tow new devices. now on Terminal when I type emulator -list-avds it lists the devices correctly, but when run emulator -avd I face errors:

In older versions of Processing for Android which I happily used for a long time, a virtual device was (eventually) created automatically when you ran the emulator the first time. This seems to not happen anymore. Now, if I start with no virtual device, or matter what device profile I do create in the AVD Manager, whenever I try to run a sketch in the emulator, even when I manually start it, I get "Could not create a virtual device for the emulator". Anyone else getting this error? Anyone have a solution?

Thank you for the input, but sadly installing API 17 does not solve the problem. Manually creating a virtual device, and launching manually does not work. Running the sketch straight from Processing without starting the emulator does not work... Same "Could not create a virtual device for the emulator" with no specific error in the console.

@hudson_m4000 && PDF197::without seeing the manifest it s difficult to answer; with android when you dont set a minSdk, default is 1; so the best way to try is to set minSDK to 8,9,10 and so on, seeing what happens. As i dont work with processing for android i cannot remind exactly how i have done when installing && testing (my emulator runs well). Yet i am sure that minSDK was one of the problems, (others in preferences.txt where you can see if the emulator is present and for what port).

Now there is also the minTargetSDK. If you don't specify it in the Manifest minSdk will be (default) set to API1 and it is possible (probable) that your app will not work fine on real devices and emulators: depends of the methods you use and (for the emulator) of how it is designed.

I dont remember now and have to verify what are the choices for the processing default emulator. Perhaps min is set to 15: in this case Koogs is right for THIS emulator; but, i think, you can perfectly create another one with other choices...The only thing you cannot change is the targetSDK: 17; try to put more and look to the messages in the console: the value is always "resolved" to 17 (in 2XX it was 10 ).

I must be completely stupid, because I cannot follow this at all. I have installed SDKs 10, 11, 15, 17, 21, and 23, and tried to run a very simple example sketch on an emulator without success. I have set the target SDK as each of these, checked the manifest (which by default seems to be 15 in my case), and still had no success.

@PDF197::now (for this date!)--- P3 runs (on my computers)---&& i have 4 emulators running...----So : it s not impossible, be happy!---seriously:---any error code???--- have you seen in your preferences txt wether your SDK path and the emulator port are ok??

Hi,a litte hint of mine. I am running processing on windows. I downloaded the intel emulator files and the ham driver. But I must manually install the intelhaxm-android.exe to run my emulator. Is in folder ...\modes\AndroidMode\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\in your processing 3 sketches folder.

Thanks for all the work especially @akenaton and @hudson_m4000. I have been trying to get the emulator to work for weeks, and no matter what I do can't get it to. So, I am no longer using the emulator, and just compile straight on to a device. That always works, and compiles very quickly. In short - spend your time coding not fighting with the emulator.

I do all my development inside virtual machines. This allows me to keep separate development environment for different projects and clients. I wanted to keep this tradition for developing mobile applications but that turned out to be a bit of challenge.

The solution is to have two separate virtual machines running at the same and have them talk to each other. The first guest virtual machine is your development environment (e.g. Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015, etc). The second virtual machine is the Android emulator. To do this you will need enough RAM to run both at the same time. I would also recommend a SSD hard drive. In my case I use 9 GB of RAM (5 for development environment virtual machine, 2 for the Android emulator, and 2 GB for my base OS).

To hook into the emulator from your development environment for debugging, some VirtualBox configuration is required. First, install your Android emulator. During the install of the of the emulator it will prompt to install VirtualBox but you can ignore this if you have VirtualBox already installed.

Open up VirtualBox and you should see the emulators as machines. I had to black out some of the machine because they are named after clients. The Android emulators are listed at the bottom with the last one being the one created by the Xamarin Android Player and the second last one created by Genymotion.

Now open up the network settings for the development environment virtual machine. You probably only have one network adapter enabled and it will be either set to NAT or Bridged. Whatever the case leave it as is. Then enable a second adapter and set it to Host-only Adapter. Then make sure the Name field is the same as the emulator name you noted above.

Problem: I have win10 installed inside virtual box. Runs smooth. Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 runs on it and I installed all the tools needed to get the Hololens SDK up and running. When I try to start the Origami example I get the following message

This is correct, VirtualBox doesn't support exposing Hyper-V inside the VM. You can see -us/windows/holographic/Using_the_HoloLens_emulator for information on how to use the emulator. Specifically note that Hyper-V is used to run the emulator.

You can run nested virtual machines in VirtualBox by applying a patch for IOMMU pass-through and compiling the virtualization component yourself (after which you can swap the DLL) but that's probably not very reliable, see: 

I'm also not sure if Hyper-V works with this, it probably won't. Virtual machine nesting has proper and the required support on the VMware platform to run Hyper-V children VMs, if you have a VT-x with EPT capable CPU and pass through both Vanderpool Tech. extensions and the CPU performance counters (there's a setting for them in the CPU tab). You need to use at least two cores in your VM, use a 64-bit OS and sufficient RAM for the guest OS and your child VMs to run. While VMware enables and patches the feature on its virtualization solutions for all host platforms so that it "keeps working" they do not provide support for it. Your experience may cause poor performance (even for the host system), unstable operation and unexpected behavior (application crashes, etc.), especially so on AMD CPUs or with GPU acceleration enabled. Guest add-on functionality will no longer work (because the primary guest will now run as an elevated Hyper-V child), and may even cease working for other VMs you are running simultaneously, especially if they use a para-virtualization kernel optimization for a different operating system.

You can do this, but I wouldn't recommend using such a setup for development as it is going to make debugging strange and unexpected behavior extra hard and you'd likely also produce bogus developer feedback for the HoloLens SDK team, if you have automatic Windows error reporting enabled. I would suggest you buy a cheap laptop instead and don't do this unless you absolutely must, or are just curious to experiment with it. Please do the latter with the Windows Phone/Visual Studio for Android tools though, that's probably better. 17dc91bb1f

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