Virtual Kylerec Student Seminar 2021

An online graduate student seminar in symplectic and contact topology

Virtual Kylerec is a graduate student learning seminar in symplectic and contact topology where informal introductory talks in symplectic and contact topology are given by graduate students for graduate students. Postdocs are welcome to attend.

Virtual Kylerec 2021 is an offshoot of the Kylerec workshop (which has been postponed to the summer of 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). We hope this virtual seminar will provide a space for symplectic and contact topology graduate students to network and learn together.

The seminar will take place on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 PM Eastern Daylight savings time, beginning on May 25th 2021.

15 min before the meeting participants are encouraged to join and catch up, we will also have 15-30 minutes after the talk to converse informally.

Speakers in this seminar are chosen by application. Students can work together and can pair up and give a talk together.

Please send in applications and register to receive future emails here:

See suggested topics and references.

See talk and audience guidelines.

You can contact the organizers at

The current organizers are: Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Daren Chen, Dahye Cho, AJ Vargas, François-Simon Fauteux-Chapleau and Luya Wang.