The arts are essential to a broad-based curriculum that is derived from rigorous standards.

The Coalition welcomes and encourages your participation in helping to maintain the valuable school fine arts programs for the students of the Commonwealth. 

Chronic Absenteeism & The Arts Report

In March 2024, Quadrant Research completed a statistical review on student-level data which resulted in the Chronic Absenteeism and the Arts in Virginia Public Schools report.  The report demonstrates a significant correlation between “career arts” students (those enrolled in the arts all four years of high school) and improved chronic absenteeism rates. Seniors from each year since 2020 who are “career arts” students show between 32.3% and 50.8% lower chronic absenteeism rates than those who are not. These findings held true when comparing the data across multiple key variables such as race/ethnicity, sex, free/reduced lunch, and English language learners, indicating a strong correlation between career arts students and lower chronic absenteeism rates. 

Read the full report.

Friday, March 7, 2025

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VCFAE is proud of the work we do to support Arts Education in Virginia. 


To continue this mission, we need regular financial support from generous donors like YOU.  Please consider a monthly contribution or a one time gift. Every dollar counts!

Click here to donate.

We appreciate you!