VIP Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

Let me help you with your fat-loss, maintenance and general health goals

What can I do for you?

Have you been struggling, possibly for years with fat loss and maintaining a healthy weight? 

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the oceans of information on what a healthy body and healthy diet should be? 

Do you feel like the kind of person who has tried every diet going and hasn't seen long-term results, despite putting in mountains of effort?

If you've tried all the plans, if you're tired of the on/off diet mentality, if you're fed up of putting your life and relationships on hold for yet another weight-loss program, there is another way...

Fat Loss

I can help you with steady, sustainable fat loss without the need for restrictive diet plans or punitive workouts.

Nutrition Support

If you're training for a specific goal, I can help you tailor your current diet to help you optimise your training.

Healthy Eating

Do you just want to imnprove your diet? Are your energy levels low? Do you know what you should be eating but struggle to make it work?


Nothing is forbidden. There's no rules. There's no blaming and definitely no shaming. If being hard yourself in the past hasn't worked, maybe it's time to start being kind.


What do I get and how much does it cost?

After our free initial chat, if you decide to start coaching with me, we'll have our first proper one-to-one session.

In this session I'll help you figure out your calorie target or range, your daily step goal, your workouts and their frequency,

and what are your daily non-negotiables (the promises you're going to make to yourself).

If you're a monthly client, we'll have fortnightly check-ins to celebrate your wins, work through any issues, update and adjust, and everything in between.

I'm available for support on WhatsApp outside of our check-ins.

I'll help you navigate social situations, holidays and events that you may have struggled with in the past,

especially when trying to stick to a rigid plan.

I offer three plans:

Plan 1: A one-off  30 minute video chat followed up with an email detailing basic calorie and step targets, a daily protein target and 3 to 6 lifestyle adaptations based on the information from the video chat as to how to improve basic health and fitness - £50 one off fee (after the initial session, one-off  30 minute video chats can be booked  for £35)

Plan 2: Fortnightly 30 minute video chats. Ongoing Whatsapp and email support. Calorie, step and protein targets. Meal ideas. Ongoing lifestyle adaptation support - £75 monthly fee (£100 if you wanted to add on the strength training programming)

Plan 3: Weekly 30 minute video chats. Ongoing Whatsapp and email support. Calorie, step and protein targets. Meal ideas. Ongoing lifestyle adaptation support. Strength training programming - £125 monthly fee

I don't believe in price hikes and I don't believe in better offers for new members over existing clients. The price you start with is the price you'll keep, dependent on continuous coaching without break.

If  you're still unsure, fill in the form and I'll get back to you with more information.


Fill out the form below and I'll contact you with how I can help you achieve your goals.