In your VIP EXPERIENCE PACKAGE you will receive:

* a year subscription to an on demand workout library (over 1500 workouts)

* 2 nutrition programs that work perfectly with Cycle Syncing

* unlimited recipes, online cooking show, food prep, grocery shopping tips, etc

* a 30 day supply of my favourite superfoods shake

* online support & accountability from myself + a community of like minded women

PLUS - 50% off Syncing with the Flow!!!!

This is for those who: 

* are ready to go ALL on on their Health, Wellness, AND Cycle Syncing. 

* do not have access to workouts

* need guidance on portion control, healthy eating, meal planning & food prep

* need accountability in order to stick to something new

* are looking for support from a community and a Coach (me!)

How do I get started?

This is the package you would enrol with! 

It gives you EVERYTHING you need in order to kick start some healthy habits with your fitness & nutrition. 

Once you enrol, I will provide you with a $30 off PROMO CODE for Syncing with the Flow! 

Not what you are looking for?

That’s okay!

Syncing with the Flow as a standalone will have you operating on a whole new level and will teach you everything you need to know about Cycle Syncing!

If you ARE ready for the VIP EXPERIENCE, go ahead and fill out this form and I will be in touch ASAP!