Wellness Resources

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Having Vitiligo and experiencing suicidal thoughts was something that I, Andre, experienced. I am asking members from the Vitiligo community to participate in a research study involving Vitiligo and suicidal thoughts (or ideation). I am seeking your assistance with the goal of better empathy for our community and education to the public.

Your participation will take about 20-25 minutes. Participants must be 18 years and older, read English, and identify as having Vitiligo. All eligible participants will be able for raffle entry for one of six, $25 Amazon gift cards.

This research survey link will take you to the statements of informed consent and the participant survey questions or copy and paste the URL in your web browser: https://niu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3yIyTGLYe7DywWV

Thank you for taking the time to consider participation in this study. You can forward this invitation to additional individuals who may be eligible for participation.

Andre Joachim, PhD student, and Kimberly A. Hart, Ph.D. are conducting this study in affiliation with the Counselor Education and Supervision program at Northern Illinois University. This research has been approved by the Northern Illinois University Office of Research Compliance, protocol number: #HS19-0076.