

11-second clips of just about every Irish tune from just about every recording.

2000+ tunes in four formats: NWC, ABC, PDF, and MIDI

Bill Black's Irish collections and tunes

Irish dance tune collections and videos

ITMA Digital Library (Irish Traditional Music Archive)

Kingston Irish Slow Session tune book

McDermott's Handy

Dennis Gormley's collection of Irish tunes

Ward Irish Music Archives

Ceolas carries notation for several hundred traditional tunes, in various formats, along with music software and an index of most published tune sources and links to other sites with tunes and songs.

Collection of tunes for The Groton Sessions in Ayer, MA.

Tunes, leaders, themes, and links to past Mary O’s Virtual Sessions.

O'Neill's Music Of Ireland (1850)

PDFs of tunes individually (and in groups of 100), most with chords

Traverse City (MI) Session tunes

Donald Shikoski's Northern Michigan Traditional Music Session

The Session is a community website dedicated to Irish traditional music.

You can find tunes to play, find sessions to play them in, and join in discussions about the music. You can also find events (like concerts and festivals), or explore the track listings of recordings.

Links to free sheet music for new Irish compositions by Heather Lewin

Best beginner tunes for Irish fiddle music and tutorials