Fundamentals of Ed Tech  Leadership

EDTC 801 Summer I Institute

This course is the initial intensive summer seminar for incoming doctoral cohort candidates. This is a foundation course that outlines the expectations and practices of the program. It also introduces candidates to the program’s mission of preparing effective leaders for an interdependent world.

Project #1: Cohort 10 Showcase -  This collaborative project represents the innovative 10 and was presented at the summer institute 

Project #2: Individual Contribution Cohort 10 Showcase - This self-evaluation details my individual contributions to the project. 

Project #3: Digital Portfolio - This website documents my doctoral journey

Project #4: Professional Growth Plan

EDTC 802 Principles of Educational Technology Leadership

This course focuses on concepts and strategies necessary for a leader in a technologically rich learning environment. Topics include strategic planning, leadership styles, institutional change processes, and policy issues in educational technology.

Leadership Presentation -  This project focused on the trait of approach to leadership including a brief history and development of the theory presented in the Northouse book other research studies.  We identified the strengths and weaknesses of the model and the practical uses of the leadership theory in context. 

Technology Proposal -  This handout was developed as part of a presentation on Authentic Leadership that was completed with a partner

Research Paper -  This research paper is about introducing chromebooks into a K-12 school district as part of a 1:1 program

EDTC 804 Global Issues in Educational Technology Leadership

This course investigates educational technology from a global perspective. The issues covered will include development strategies, diversity, cultural values, and educational technology's systemic roles in international development. The course will focus on a cross-cultural examination of contemporary academic and work skills.

Arnove's Comparative Education - Paper 1: This paper discusses the Steve Jos School. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the school that thinks different, through the context of Arnove's three dimensions of comparative education: scientific, pragmatic, and global. 

Analyzing 21st Century Education - 

Educational Innovation - 

Environmental Scan Project - 

Pearson's Initiative -  

EDTC 813 Advanced Using Integrated Software across the Curriculum

This course examines the patterns of traditional use, current issues, and emergent trends of digital technology in learning, and develop an expertise to function as entrepreneurs in establishing new products or services.

Interview Files -  This paper includes an interview of a fellow classmate’s experience as a professor during the Covid-19 pandemic. An online transcript service was utilized to transcribe the audio file.

Coded Interview -  This paper is an open code utilizing ATLAS.ti from the interview conducted for assignment one. The report displays findings of themes and patterns from the interview

Permission Survey -  For this assignment, a permission form and survey were created utilizing Qualtrics. The online permission form is consent to voluntarily continue with the survey/to participate in a research study.

Coded Survey Responses -  This paper focuses on data collected from qualitative survey responses on the difficulty educators experienced with teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic. The teachers' responses were quoted and coded utilizing ATLAS. ti. A frequency table was created to represent the number of times specific codes were applied to each response. The code co-occurrence table displays how often a combination of codes was linked to the quotations.

Pivot Tables, Tables, Figures  - For this project, pivot tables, tables, and figures were created utilizing Microsoft excel for clear, organized, and concise interpretation of data collection and analysis.

Correlation Data -  For this project, pivot tables, tables, and figures were created utilizing Microsoft excel for clear, organized, and concise interpretation of data collection and analysis.

Final Report -  This final report discusses the findings from my six previous assessments’ datasets and coursew

EDTC 815 Administration and Supervision of Technology in Educational Settings

This course prepares students to serve as professionals who promote the development and implementation of technology infrastructure, procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for schools and organizations at an advanced level.

Ethics Project -  For this assessment, a video training module was created on online etiquette, intellectual rights, social media, and confidentiality for teachers seeking to participate in professional learning communities through social media.

Hiring Technology Coordinators - This paper analyzed the role of the technology coordinator and provided a job description and policies and procedures manual for an elementary, middle, and high school technology coordinator. 

Technology Plan -  This paper describes the technology implementation plan of incorporating the educational technology platforms Accelerated Reader, STAR Reader, and Edulastic to improve the quality of English Language Arts instruction and increase proficiency rates on standardized state assessments. 

Designing a PD Experience -  This memo, website, and associated artifacts show the development of an asynchronous and synchronous PD experience for teachers on Google Classroom. This project was completed with cohort members Frank Ciccitto and Susan Deehan Murray.

EDTC 812 Teaching in the Adult Learning Environment

This course will center on teaching adult learners in post-secondary educational and corporate environments

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