About Me

I am an AI Architect working full-time at Cigna at Indianapolis. Before it, I worked as a Data Scientist at Deloitte and Eli Lilly and a Machine Learning Engineer at FunnelEnvy.com, USA. I have overall 18+ years of IT experience including 7 years in Machine Learning & AI. I earned my Master of Science in Data Science from IIT Chicago in Dec 2017. During my graduate studies, I enjoyed working on projects related to deep learning (LSTM) and machine learning classification techniques such as logistic regression and decision tree.

Before graduation, I had been a software professional for 10+ years. I had completed my Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from IIT, Guwahati, India  in 2005.

Throughout my 10+ years of IT experience I worked on multiple technologies such as C, C++, Java, Perl under Unix operating system. I started my career by founding my own company "eConsultancy Service" in India. During that period I worked as full-stack developer on demand basis. I have worked for MNC's (Oracle, IBM, CSC) including an early stage search engine startup (Guruji.com). At Guruji.com, my two of many projects were related to machine learning and data mining. They were 'webpage classification using TF-IDF scoring schemes' and 'graph-based model to suggest related keywords to search users', which solely propelled 400% growth in the unique visitors of the search engine within 3 years. During my graduation, I implemented LSTM (a deep learning library under tensorflow of Python's sci-kit learn package) algorithm on an enterprise log dataset of the size 4TB to predict production errors. My graduate coursework has increased my knowledge of practical machine learning algorithms on large datasets from various functional areas such as health, production server logs, recommender system for movie genre and image processing.

I attended Machine Learning Summer School at Reykjavik, Iceland in 2014 to get broad idea of various topics in machine learning such as supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement and deep learning. This summer school helped me to shape my career path in Artificial Intelligence for the rest of my life and triggered an initial plan to pursue my Master in Data Science.

Moreover, I attended an on-campus classroom professional course "Mastering in Innovation & Design Thinking" at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA in 2013 to learn more about to start and grow a new business in technology.

All these experiences have formed an excellent foundation of machine learning and data analysis techniques using R and Python on the top of a decade's experience in software development using C, C++, Java from end to end to solve real world problems of Artificial Intelligence to make a better world.