Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo for Pricing Option

The first large-scale applications of the Monte Carlo method were in physics and arose from work on the Manhattan Project in the 1940s. Boyle (1976), applied the method innovatively to Finance and triggered decades of further research. The method uses the fact that the distribution of terminal stock prices is determined by the process generating future stock price movements. This process can be simulated on a computer thus generating a series of stock price trajectories. This series determines a set of terminal stock values which can be used to obtain an estimate of the option value. Furthermore, the standard deviation of the estimate can be obtained at the same time so that the accuracy of the results can be established. Monte Carlo is based on simulating Stock Price behaviour. To get some graphical intuition into this process please consider this playlist as a pre-amble to understanding the code below.

VBA code for Black Scholes Monte Carlo

Function MCCall(S, X, T, r, q, v, n)

' Espen Haug with small tweaks

' D is the drift

' r is the risk free rate

' q is the dividend yield

' T is the Maturity

' v is the volatility of the underlying

' asset return or Black Scholes sigma

' S the underlying asset price

' ST is the Terminal asset price at expiry

' X is the exercise price

D = (r - q - v ^ 2 / 2) * T

vT = v * Sqr(T)

For i = 1 To n

ST = S * Exp(D + vT * Application.NormSInv(Rnd()))

bin = bin + Application.Max((ST - X), 0)


MCCall = Exp(-r * T) * bin / n

End Function

Check out Espen Haug books.

Monte Carlo Simulation of Stock Prices see playlist below

Below we build up incrementally the basics governing stock price simulation which applies Geometric Brownian motion. This approach means we can estimate the value of an option using simulation. The Black Scholes (1973) model can be closely approximated using Monte Carlo. Accuracy improves as we in crease the number of pathways or simulations. Below, we explain why

C++ code for Black Scholes Monte Carlo

//Code originally sourced from Fabrice Rouah

//I made some small changes see this video for changes I made


//see this video for explanation on Monte carlo and GBM


using namespace std;

#include <math.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <vector>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <algorithm>

// Calculates the mean of a vector of values


VecMean (vector < double >x)


int n = x.size ();

double sum = 0.0;

for (int i = 0; i <= n - 1; i++)

sum += x[i];

double xbar = sum / n;

return xbar;


// N(0,1) density


f (double x)


double pi = 4.0 * atan (1.0);

return exp (-x * x * 0.5) / sqrt (2 * pi);


// Boole's Rule


Boole (double StartPoint, double EndPoint, int n)


vector < double >X (n + 1, 0.0);

vector < double >Y (n + 1, 0.0);

double delta_x = (EndPoint - StartPoint) / double (n);

for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)


X[i] = StartPoint + i * delta_x;

Y[i] = f (X[i]);


double sum = 0;

for (int t = 0; t <= (n - 1) / 4; t++)


int ind = 4 * t;

sum +=

(1 / 45.0) * (14 * Y[ind] + 64 * Y[ind + 1] + 24 * Y[ind + 2] +

64 * Y[ind + 3] + 14 * Y[ind + 4]) * delta_x;


return sum;


// N(0,1) cdf by Boole's Rule


N (double x)


return Boole (-10.0, x, 240);


// Black Scholes closed form price


BS (double S, double K, double v, double T, double r, double q, char PutCall)


double d1 = (log (S / K) + (r - q + 0.5 * v * v) * T) / v / sqrt (T);

double d2 = d1 - v * sqrt (T);

double Call = S * exp (-q * T) * N (d1) - K * exp (-r * T) * N (d2);

if (PutCall == 'C')

return Call;


return Call - S * exp (-q * T) + K * exp (-r * T);



main ()


srand (time (0)); // Set the seed for random number generation

double S = 100.0; // Spot Price

double K = 100.0; // Strike Price

double T = 1; // Maturity in Years

double r = 0.05; // Interest Rate

double q = 0; // Dividend yeild

double v = 0.2; // Volatility

int Nsims = 1e7; // Number of simulations

double Z; // Random standard normal Z(0,1)

vector < double >ST (Nsims, 0.0); // Initialize terminal prices S(T)

vector < double >ST_K (Nsims, 0.0); // Initialize call payoff

vector < double >K_ST (Nsims, 0.0); // Initialize put payoff

double u1, u2;

double pi = 3.141592653589793;

for (int i = 0; i <= Nsims - 1; i++)


// Independent uniform random variables

u1 = ((double) rand () / ((double) (RAND_MAX) + (double) (1)));

u2 = ((double) rand () / ((double) (RAND_MAX) + (double) (1)));

// Floor u1 to avoid errors with log function

u1 = max (u1, 1.0e-10);

// Z ~ N(0,1) by Box-Muller transformation

Z = sqrt (-2.0 * log (u1)) * sin (2 * pi * u2);

ST[i] = S * exp ((r - q - 0.5 * v * v) * T + v * sqrt (T) * Z); // Simulated terminal price S(T)

ST_K[i] = max (ST[i] - K, 0.0); // Call payoff

K_ST[i] = max (K - ST[i], 0.0); // Put payoff


// Simulated prices as discounted average of terminal prices

double BSCallSim = exp (-r * T) * VecMean (ST_K);

double BSPutSim = exp (-r * T) * VecMean (K_ST);

// Closed form prices

double BSCall = BS (S, K, v, T, r, q, 'C');

double BSPut = BS (S, K, v, T, r, q, 'P');

// Errors

double CallError = BSCall - BSCallSim;

double PutError = BSPut - BSPutSim;

// Output the results

cout << setprecision (4) << fixed;

cout << "Using " << Nsims << " simulations..." << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

cout << "Method CallPrice PutPrice " << endl;

cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;

cout << "Simulation " << BSCallSim << " " << BSPutSim << endl;

cout << "Closed Form " << BSCall << " " << BSPut << endl;

cout << "Error " << CallError << " " << PutError << endl;

cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

system ("PAUSE");


Monte Carlo using Box Muller

The Box and Muller takes two samples from the uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1] and maps them to two standard, normally distributed samples - in effect mapping them into two normally distributed samples with the use of sine or cosine functions. A basic and hopefully intuitive explanation is provided in excel here:

The relevant segment of C++ code is highlighted below:

// Independent uniform random variables

u1 = ((double) rand () / ((double) (RAND_MAX) + (double) (1)));

u2 = ((double) rand () / ((double) (RAND_MAX) + (double) (1)));

// Floor u1 to avoid errors with log function

u1 = max (u1, 1.0e-10);

// Z ~ N(0,1) by Box-Muller transformation

Z = sqrt (-2.0 * log (u1)) * sin (2 * pi * u2);

Python Code for Black Scholes Monte Carlo


import math

from random import gauss

from math import exp, sqrt

def generate_asset_price(S,v,r,q,T):

return S * exp((r - q - 0.5 * v**2) * T + v * sqrt(T) * gauss(0,1.0))

def call_payoff(S_T,K):

return max(0.0,S_T - K)

S = 100 # underlying price

v = 0.20 # volatility

r = 0.05 # risk free rate

q = 0.0 # dividend yield

T = 1 # maturity

K = 100. # exercise

simulations = 10000

payoffs = []

discount_factor = math.exp(-r * T)

for i in range(simulations):

S_T = generate_asset_price(S,v,r,q,T)


call_payoff(S_T, K)


call_price = discount_factor * (sum(payoffs) / float(simulations))

# From Put Call Parity

put_price = call_price + K * math.exp(-r * T) - S * math.exp(-q * T)

print (call_price, put_price)

Python Code for Black Scholes Monte Carlo and closed form solution


import math

from random import gauss

from math import exp, sqrt, log, sqrt, pi

from scipy.stats import norm

def d1(S,K,T,r,q,sigma):

return(log(S/K)+(r - q +v**2/2.)*T)/v*sqrt(T)

def d2(S,K,T,r,q,v):

return d1(S,K,T,r,q,v)-v*sqrt(T)

## define the call options price function

def bs_call(S,K,T,r,q,v):

return S*exp(-q*T)*norm.cdf(d1(S,K,T,r,q,v))-K*exp(-r*T)*norm.cdf(d2(S,K,T,r,q,v))

## define the put options price function

def bs_put(S,K,T,r,q,v):

return K*exp(-r*T)-S*exp(-q*T)+bs_call(S,K,T,r,q,v)

def generate_asset_price(S,v,r,q,T):

return S * exp((r - q - 0.5 * v**2) * T + v * sqrt(T) * gauss(0,1.0))

def call_payoff(S_T,K):

return max(0.0,S_T - K)

S = 100 # underlying price

v = 0.20 # volatility

r = 0.05 # risk free rate

q = 0.0 # dividend yield

T = 1 # maturity

K = 100. # exercise

simulations = 1000000

payoffs = []

discount_factor = math.exp(-r * T)

for i in range(simulations):

S_T = generate_asset_price(S,v,r,q,T)


call_payoff(S_T, K)


call_price = discount_factor * (sum(payoffs) / float(simulations))

# From Put Call Parity

put_price = call_price + K * math.exp(-r * T) - S * math.exp(-q * T)

cbs = bs_call(S,K,T,r,q,v)

pbs = bs_put(S,K,T,r,q,v)

print(cbs, pbs)

print (call_price, put_price)

Black Scholes, Monte Carlo and TensorFlow