Multi-object spectrographs

In my research I have used extensively multi-object spectrographs to follow-up large samples of X-ray selected AGN.  The main spectroscopic surveys I have been involved in are:  the CDFS 1Ms follow-up with FORS and VIMOS at the VLT,  the GOODS spectroscopic survey at the VLT with FORS and VIMOS, and the zCOSMOS survey conducted with the  VIMOS spectrograph at the VLT.

At ESO I am also Project Scientist of two new multi-object spectrographs: the 4MOST facility a 4 square degrees spectrograph to be mounted at the 4m VISTA telescope in Paranal, and MOSAIC a multi-object spectrograph under study for the E-ELT.

I am the Project Scientist of a community led initiative to study a new major spectroscopic facility, the Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST).