I'm a Assistant professor in Economics at Institut Mines-Telecom, Business school, LITEM. I'm currently visiting professor at MIT Sloan (USA) working on IA generative content.

My research interests are digital platform, economics of privacy, information system, industrial organization, machine learning and artificial intelligence, advertising, digital marketing.

I use Python to generate and manage original database: webscraping, Web API, Jupiter and Pandas program. 




List of publications:

Google scholars

Fields of research:



Vincent Lefrere is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Institut Mines-Télécom, Business School, LITEM. His general research interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence, economics of privacy, digital platforms, and the economics of the internet.

He was a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan during the 2023-2024 period, further expanding his expertise in the intersection of AI and digital economics.

Vincent completed his Ph.D. in Economics at the University Paris Saclay & Institut Mines-Télécom, Business School LITEM, funded by the “Futur & Ruptures” scholarship, supervised by Grazia Cecere and Fabrice Le Guel (RITM). His thesis received the Best Thesis 2021 award granted by AFREN. He also served as a visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University in the PEEX research group. In 2016, he graduated with honors from the Master IREN Paris Saclay, specializing in digital economics. During his bachelor studies at Université Paris Saclay, he spent one year at the University of Calgary in Canada.