Research & Publications

Recent Publications:

K. S. Rawat, V. Singh (equal contribution), C. P. Sharma, A. Vyas, P. Pandey, J. Singh, N. M. Gupta, M. Sachdev and A. Goel, Picomolar Detection of Lead Ions (Pb2+) by Functionally Modified Fluorescent Carbon Quantum Dots from Watermelon Juice and Their Imaging in Cancer Cells, Journal of Imaging, 2023, 9, 19. 

V. Singh*, B. Gorbel, S. Chatterjee, P. Sen and V. Verma, Green, Economical Synthesis of Nitrogen Enriched Carbon Nanoparticles from Seaweed Extract and Their Application as Invisible Ink and Fluorescent Film, Materials Letters, 2022, 309, 131446. 

List of Publications: 

Ongoing Projects:

Development of Functionalized Carbon-Based Fluorescent Nanomaterials from Coal__Project Leader__In-house (CSIR-CIMFR) Project__Rs-62,77,920/-__05/11/2022 to Continue.

Completed Projects: