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Referenced in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rule on “Good Faith Determinations of Fair Value” available at 

   Winner of the Best Paper Award at 2019 Academic Research Colloquium for Financial Planning and Related Disciplines

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    GSU coverage of research

   Winner of the the 2018 Best paper award in WRDS Advanced Research Scholar Program of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

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   Short JFQA video regarding the paper

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        Winner of the best paper award at the ISB 2016 Summer Research Conference

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    Download the data on the volatility of volatility factor

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   Winner of the Best Empirical Paper Award at the Southern Finance Association 2012 Annual Meetings

   Featured on the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation on September 17, 2014:           

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   Received research grant from the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Center at Singapore Management University

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   Received research grant from Q-Group

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   Received research grant from BSI Gamma Foundation

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   Received research grant from INQUIRE Europe

   Received best paper award in hedge funds at the European Finance Association 2006 meetings

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   Received research grant from the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Centre at HEC Paris

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   Received research grant from INQUIRE Europe

   Received best paper award in hedge funds at the European Finance Association 2003 meetings

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   Contact me at for the option-based factors used in the paper

   Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) has a research application for computing the returns of the option-based factors using Optionmetrics data. For details, click here.

   Among the fifty most-cited articles in the Review of Financial Studies during July 2006 and February 2016, the list being updated at the beginning of each month (the list was temporarily discontinued between January 2008 and July 2011)

   Among the 300 most cited articles published in the area of finance during the period 2000-2006 according to the article "What’s new in finance?" by Matti Keloharju in European Financial Management, 2008, 14(3), 564-608.

   According to the Web of Science, as of May/June 2014, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Economics & Business based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.

   Received research grant from BSI Gamma Foundation

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