• No illegal activities can be conducted in private groups on Lifeinvader, such as sharing radio frequencies used for criminal activities, requesting backup, and selling/buying weapons/drugs.

  • You must have a working microphone.

  • You must be able to understand and speak English.

  • You must have access to Discord. This is primarily what we use to communicate whether it regards staff, applications, server events etc.

  • You must respect on another in and out of RP. Derogatory remarks directed to others regarding race, gender, religion, disabilities or sexual preference will not be tolerated. Any form of harassment or disrespect will result in consequences.

  • If a problem needs to be resolved, always use the chain of command when contacting staff. Speak to higher commands first before speaking to Curator.

  • Using of drones for personal purpose will result in 7 days of blacklist.

  • Anti-AFK is strictly prohibited. If found doing so it will result in 30 days of blacklist.