
*denotes undergraduate author

Power sum elements in the G2 skein algebra

with Bodie Beaumont-Gould*, Erik Brodsky*, Alaina Hogan*, Joseph M. Melby, Joshua Piazza*

preprint (2023), to appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology.

Central elements in the SL(d)-skein algebra of a surface

with Francis Bonahon

preprint (2023), to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.

Triangular decomposition of SL3 skein algebras

Quantum Topology Vol 14 No 1 p. 1-63 (2023)

Skein algebras and quantum groups

PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara (2021)

Inverse spectral problems for collections of leading principal submatrices of tridiagonal matrices

with Charles Johnson

Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol 489 (2016).