Workshop Topics and Speakers

Workshop 1: Chemical Biology. Targeted Protein Degradation

William Farnaby (CeTPD, University of Dundee)

Workshop 2: Modern Medicinal Chemistry: the lamppost effect and premature conclusions
Gerhard Müller (SpiroChem AG)

Workshop 3: Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology for drug candidate identification

Yves Auberson (EFMC delegated; Novartis)

Workshop 4: New technologies in Organic Chemistry and their application to Medicinal Chemistry

José Enrique Gómez Pulido (Jannsen)

Workshop 5: Scale-up in Drug Discovery: from a Route to a Process

Jacobo Cruces and Mónica Carreira (GalChimia)

Workshop 6: ADME properties and designing by purpose.

Jordi Bach (Almirall)

Workshop 7: Discovery and use of novel photoredox reactions to transform Medicinal Chemistry (Photo4MedChem)”

Juan A. Rincón (Lilly)

Workshop 8: Cancer Innova: a Business Factory Medicines initiative

Mabel Loza (Kaertor Foundation)