Last Updated: [18.04.2024]


Welcome to Vigor Fix. We are committed to ensuring your security and guaranteeing that your individual data is dealt with securely and mindfully. This Privacy Policy traces the sorts of individual data we collect, how we utilize, store, and unveil it, and the steps we take to ensure it. By utilizing our site, you concur to the collection and utilize of your data in understanding with this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

Personal Information

When you visit our site, we may collect the taking after sorts of individual data from you:

Usage Data

We may also collect information about how you access and use our website, including:

How We Use Your Information

We utilize the individual data we collect for the taking after purposes:


We utilize cookies and comparable following innovations to improve your encounter on our site, analyze site utilization, and convey focused on promotions. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other instruments. Be that as it may, it would be ideal if you note that crippling treats may influence your involvement on our site.

Third-Party Services

We take sensible measures to ensure your individual data from unauthorized get to, modification, or revelation. Be that as it may, if it's not too much trouble note that no strategy of transmission over the web or electronic capacity is 100% secure, and we cannot ensure its supreme security.


We take sensible measures to secure your individual data from unauthorized get to, change, or divulgence. In any case, it would be ideal if you note that no strategy of transmission over the web or electronic capacity is 100% secure, and we cannot ensure its supreme security.

Links to Other Websites

Our site may contain joins to other websites that are not worked by us. If you press on a third-party interface, you will be coordinated to their site. We emphatically prompt you to survey the Privacy Policy of each site you visit. We have no control over and expect no duty for the substance, security arrangements, or hones of any third-party websites or administrations.

Children’s Privacy

Our site is not expecting for utilize by children beneath the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect individual data from children beneath 18. If we gotten to be mindful that a child beneath 18 has given us with individual data, we will take steps to erase such data from our records.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may overhaul our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our hones or appropriate laws. We will inform you of any changes by posting the unused Privacy Policy on this page with a changed "Final Overhauled" date. You are exhorted to survey this Privacy Policy occasionally for any changes.

Your Consent

By utilizing our site, you assent to our Privacy Policy and concur to its terms.

Contact Us

If you have any questions approximately this Privacy Policy, if it's not too much trouble contact us at:

Email: []

Address: [13th Street 47 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011, USA]

Thank you for visiting Vigor Fix.

Note: This Privacy Policy layout is given for instructive purposes as it were and ought to not be considered as legitimate counsel. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your Privacy Policy complies with applicable laws and regulations.