Food Storage

1. Keep potatoes white

Cover shredded or diced potatoes with cold water before cooking to prevent the spuds from turning that gross grayish/brown caused by the release of a starch that makes them oxidize.

2. Slow down rotting

Store tomatoes stem end down to keep them from spoiling as quickly. This prevents air from entering and moisture from exiting the scar where the tomato once attached to the vine.

3. Give bananas a longer life

Keep bananas fresh for longer by wrapping the end of the bunch with plastic wrap. Better yet, separate each banana. Both tactics block ethylene gases from releasing out of the stem, thereby ripening the fruit too fast.

4. Speed up ripening

Turn a green banana yellow (or a peach from crunchy to juicy) with the help of a paper bag. When fruit is tossed into the bag, concentrated ethylene gas helps it ripen faster.

5. Save cut fruit from browning

You’ve probably heard that a little squeeze of lemon juice can keep apple slices from looking unappetizing. A mixture of 1 part honey to 2 parts water works much the same way to keep fruit from browning. The citric acid and vitamin C in lemon juice and a peptide in honey slow down the oxidation process that causes discoloration.

6. Avoid plastic wrap disasters

Store the roll in the fridge to cover leftovers with less of a hassle. Chilling the wrap temporarily reduces its stickiness.

7. Get creative with covering food

Shower caps’ usefulness isn’t limited to keeping your lovely tresses dry. Cover leftovers with a clean cap (right in their dishes) to prevent air particles from turning food stale. Not only are shower caps reusable, they’re a lot easier than repeatedly removing and replacing plastic wrap or tin foil.

8. Check if eggs are still edible

To find out, gently place uncooked eggs in a bowl of cold water. If an egg sinks to the bottom, it’s edible. If it floats, it’s better to throw it away. Over time, the liquid inside eggs evaporates through the porous shell, leaving a gas bubble inside. The more it floats, the older it is.