Reasons for Using Video
Educational Video:
- Is motivating, engaging, instructional, and allows students to learn at their own pace. However, too much information at once (e.g., text, video, and audio), speed, and amount of note taking can be overwhelming.
- Appeals to multiple learning styles if it is combined with other methods of instruction. However, be sure to include transcripts, closed captions, and/or step-by-step instructions to assist those with learning disabilities.
- Saves time, costs, and offers transferability if flipping lessons or providing information prior to activities.
- Shows places, phenomena, demonstrations, and procedures that can’t be experienced or seen easily.
- Provides disruptive innovation and disruptive pedagogy to encourage personalized learning and student control through flexibility and ubiquity.
REasons for Videos
REasons for Videos
Videos Can Be Used For:
- Welcome and Introductions
- Tutorials and Modeled Behaviors – step-by-step instructions that can teach skills, technique, or how to use specialized knowledge (such as operating machinery or lab safety skills).
- Blended, Flipped, Missed Classes – condensed lectures, or “mini” lectures can include video clips, screen captures, images, slides, and voice recordings.
- Virtual Tours and Field Trips – allows students to experience places and opportunities they may not have access to in the real-world (such as space exploration or seeing inside a cell).