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Privacy Policy of Video Tube

Video Tube Version always respects users data and takes your privacy seriously. Without obtaining your prior

consent, we will not intentionally disclose any contents that relates to your personal privacy to any third party

unless otherwise stipulated herein.

1. Data collection

a. We don't collect personal information's. Personal Information includes your geographical location information, name, address, email, telephone number, fax number, the information you stored on your device, and the information to identify you or other individuals when you use applications, services or websites.

b. Non-personal information.

When users interact with our application, we may collect non-personal-identity information associated with the user. Non-personal-identity information may include your phone's model, version of Android and other similar information.

Some of the non-personal information we collected when a person uses our application includes session and Available data, which includes information related to connection request, server communication and data sharing, including network testing, quality of service date, and time. Login Data & summary Information, which referees to system id

of the device the user used to browse the application like Ip address, device serial number, and type of operating system and information of how you use the application is analyses for the better experience of the user.

2. Use of collected data

Since we only collect non-personal information's, here we will describe how we use the collected information's. We collected the non-personal information to understand your users characteristics, enhance our service and provide a better user experience and for promotional purpose.

3. Personal information Disclosure and Transfer

Video Tube collects and processes non personal data on a voluntary basis and it is not in the business of selling your personal data to third parties. Personal data may, however, occasionally be disclosed in accordance with applicable legislation and this Privacy Policy. Additionally, Video Tube may disclose personal data to its parent companies and its subsidiaries in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Video Tube may hire agents and contractors to collect and process personal data on Video Tube’s behalf and in such cases such agents and contractors will be instructed to comply with our Privacy Policy and to use personal data only for the purposes for which the third party has been engaged by Video Tube. These agents and contractors may not use your personal data for their own marketing purposes. Video Tube may use third party service providers such as credit card processors, e-mail service providers, shipping agents, data analyzers and business intelligence providers. Video Tube has the right to share your personal data as necessary for the aforementioned third parties to provide their services for Video Tube is not liable for the acts and omissions of these third parties, except as provided by mandatory law.

4. Age

If you are under 15 years of age or a minor in your country of residence, please ask your legal guardian’s permission to use or access the Services.

We take children’s privacy seriously, and encourages parents and/or guardians to play an active role in their children's online experience at all times


Although we ourselves do not attempt to track your information, our products may contain third parties’ APIs. This Privacy Policy does not apply to

information that may be collected by that third party, so we are therefore not responsible for that information.

5. 3rd Party services

We allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our app. These companies may use anonymous information

such as your Google Advertising ID, your device type and version, browsing activity, location and other technical data relating to your device, in order

to provide advertisements

The third-party privacy policies we may use are as follows:

FaceBook -

Admob -

6. Contact us/Report violation

If you have any questions or suggestions with respect to this Privacy Policy or our privacy system, or if you want to report any violations of this Privacy

Policy or abuse of the application, service or website, please contact us