Video Understanding Symposium 2022

September 8-9, 2022, Amsterdam

Invited speakers

Sepp Hochreiter

Johannes Kepler University Linz

Joao Carreira


Dima Damen

University of Bristol

Angela Yao

National University of Singapore

Jürgen Gall

University of Bonn

Hazel Doughty

University of Amsterdam

Nicu Sebe

University of Trento

Hilde Kuehne

Goethe University Frankfurt

Joao Henriques

University of Oxford

Gul Varol

École des Ponts ParisTech

Michael Wray

University of Bristol

Thomas Kipf

Google Brain

Yuki Asano

University of Amsterdam

Ivan Laptev


Vivek Sharma


Pascal Mettes

University of Amsterdam


The symposium is located on Science Park 900 in Amsterdam, LAB42 in room L3.36 for the presentations, and rooms L3.33 and L3.35 for the posters.


Stratis Gavves

University of Amsterdam

Jan van Gemert

Delft University of Technology

Pascal Mettes

University of Amsterdam

Cees Snoek

University of Amsterdam


The Video Understanding Symposium 2022 is supported by: