The Cryptic Challenge

The Cryptic Challenge

Your challenge is to create your own Quiz and Puzzle game. A game where your main character asks at least three multiple-choice questions that will lead you to a tricky puzzle that must be put together. The theme of your game must be cohesive between questions and the puzzle.

Overview/requirements of the game:

  1. A cohesive theme

  2. A background that matches the theme

  3. A host that will give the quiz

  4. A quiz with at least 3 multiple choice questions

  5. A puzzle that relates to the quiz questions and that the user must put together with the keys from the keyboard or the mouse

  6. A variable to countdown how many puzzle and/or question attempts

Your program must contain the following:

  1. Sprites (you must have at least 2 sprites)

    • Main character

      • You may create your own main character sprite or use a sprite that already exists

      • Your main character should welcome you to the game, ask for your name, and give the quiz directions

    • Puzzle sprite

      • The puzzle has to be related to the quiz questions!!

      • You may create your own puzzle sprite or use a sprite that already exists

      • You need to create the puzzle pieces, directions, lose, and win costumes from your puzzle sprite

      • It should also include a text sprite that contains directions for your game

        • Remember the text sprite for directions can be a costume in the puzzle sprite

  2. Your game must have directions:

    • These directions will come from your main character and your puzzle sprite

  3. Your game must have a background(s):

    • Any background(s) you want

    • The background(s) must match your sprites/storyline/game/theme

  4. Your game Optionally can have sound effects/music:

    • Background music

    • Sound effects for correct, incorrect answers, and puzzle attempts

    • The sound effects/music must match your sprites/storyline/game/theme/event and you may use any sound effect/music you’d like

  5. Your game must have a variable to keep track of puzzle/question attempts

Use the linked Google Doc to help plan your Game