

The concept of Snake originated from the 1976 arcade game Blockade, developed by Gremlin Interactive. The concept was simple enough, guide your ever growing snake through the screen trying to see how long you last before running into yourself or another wall. Blockade spawned similar arcade and Atari games such as Nibbler, Rattler Race and Worm. the concept of snake rose again to popularity in the late 90's with the release of the Nokia 6110, which the game Snake included. Several generations of Nokia phone that came after the 6110 also included Snake as a built in game. Today we will be making our own version of snake using Java and the Processing software. 

Snake Part I

Basic Snake Movement

Snake Part II

Food and Score

we also played around with a new font

Part III

Game Over and Increasing the Difficulty


Colored Food:

Change food to an ellipse