This is privacy policy for live video chat android app and its upcoming versions. In this privacy policy, we let you know about the terms and conditions of using the Live Video Chat app. Therefore, carefully read before you question about anything. your use of this mobile app confirms your agreement to terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the app.

Information we collect

When you install this mobile app on your device, the application requires your Email Address and Name in order to monitor your acitivities on the time you spend on app. The application, further requires your permissions to access the microphone, camera, and storage in order to smoothly hold the operation of connecting you with other users online.


Live Video Chat is only for fun, entertainment and online video chatting. We strictly advise you to use it only for entertainment and social networking with strangers. However, do not disclose any personal, financial or other important informations to strangers that can lead to personal loss. We do not hold any reponsiblity in any such case. Everything users do online on this app are on their own risk.

Also, we have zero tolerance for nudity, sexual depiction, or harrasment. Any member found of doing harrasment, sexual activities or involved in nudity will be permanently banned from using this app.