Fun and Exciting Video's

World wide adventures

Presenting Games and Exciting Video's

Gathering footage and building Exciting Videos and games for you!

Games to play... Just Scroll Down

Orca's 1:12 minute runtime.

Some Folks just ain't so smart. You be the judge.

Ever have one of those days where everything is just about perfect? Well these folks are having the opposite type of day, where Murphy's Law rules. If it can go wrong it will go wrong.

Two large dragons fight, Great white attacks Kayak, Seal does a intervention and throws a Octopus at man in kayak. Dog try's to take a young woman's Bikini top. Father and son try to catch a Monster of a snake that about kills both! And More.

Fantastic Errors, young girl attacked by sea lion, Dog try's to steal woman's Bikini. Dragon Fight.

A young girl is attacked on the dock by a sea lion,

Fun and sometimes very exciting Games

Christmas gamestart

A gift for all. Santa's Reindeer have been taken by a Evil Ogre and a Goblin Your mission is to find and rescue them. To get your copy email me.


It is post apocalypse and humans are fading into history as a forgotten moment in time. The Dinosaurs had a longer history. Scientists that major governments had placed in huge underground bunkers have the task to extend human life and give the humans resistance to the toxins that are in the air, water, plants, and few animals left alive.

More Games coming all First Person Shooter


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