From Middle Latin, from registrare 'to register' (cognate with registrarius), from registrum 'register', an alteration of Late Latin regesta "list, matters recorded," from the neuter plural of regestus, the past participle of regerere "to record, literally to carry back", itself from re- "back" + gerere "carry, bear", possibly via German Registrator; cognate with English registrator & French rgistrateur.

But if you solved the problems and you added the registrator comment, the package will be registered automatically in some minutes (you get messages about the consistency of not of the pull request with the rules of auto-merging).

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According to logs registrator registers only those ports which published to your host. And it make sense. Consul is service discovery tool and there is no sense to register services which has no published ports.

You run your registrator with -h param. -h - just hostname for your container, not host where it will be deployed. Also you pass as your Consul server address to registrator. is loopback interface for registrator container - not for your host with running Consul server. If your Consul server running on your host (if you can access it by then you need to add --net=host param to your registrator run.

P.S. I don't know real address of jacobian-VirtualBox host that you are using in curl request. In the case if it's not it will not work and your need to connect your registrator container with Consul service other way (connect to other net or specify other Consul server address if it's available inside registrator container.

I am using consul with the gliderlabs/registrator container to show my active containers in consul. When I delete containers too quickly the service is not deleted from consul, leaving "zombie" services that no longer exist. I have heard that there are extra options you can use with the gliderlabs/registrator container to prevent this such as -cleanup. However I have not been able to run any registrator's sucessfully with this option. This is my current docker run command for my registrators:

So I am running swarm using my consul cluster along with registrator's. To provide failover for swarm I placed a load balancer in front of my consul cluster and attached my swarm and registrator containers to the IP address of the load balancer. This allowed any consul node to go down without loosing swarm.

However swarm does not register itself as a service. It registers each node as a key value and is not bound to any node in the consul cluster. Containers registered into consul with the registrator are created as services and bound to a single consul server.

I think whats happening is that when I delete a container the registrator goes to delete the service from consul but it only has a 33% chance of hitting the right consul server, and deleting the service, since my LB is just doing round robin.

All of my swarm masters, load balancer, consul servers and swarm workers are running on different machines. My registrators are running on my swarm worker machines. Everything is running in containers.

Enabling sticky load balancing is a temporary fix that solves my issue. However I think attempting to run some type of consul workers on my swarm workers and having registrator bind itself to the consul running on the local hosts may be the solution. I believe this might be the "bench-worker" described in consuls github I am still fairly new to consul so I'm still trying to figure it all out.

The answer was to run consul workers, formally known as consul clients, on all my swarm worker nodes. This can be done by just removing the -server tag from my progrium/consul run commands. Then my registrators just reported to the consul clients running on each machine instead of binding themselves to the consul servers. Due to the fact that progrium/consul is outdated and no longer maintained, there still is the issue of zombies that appear when a container is stopped ungracefully (i.e. any way other than docker stop) and removed afterwards.

We just resolvd our issue which is pretty similar by running the registrator master image and using the -useIpFromLabel. Registrator picked up the container with exposed ports and properly registered with Consul. We are using VXLAN network in Rancher, we also are able to route directly to containers.

Copy JPEGs from the camera or convert RAW format into PPMs.Run registrator with filenames as parameters. Example:registrator p100????.jpg p101????.ppmRegistrator will print a lot ofmatching progress info. When it ends, you have file registrator_output.png.It is a 16-bit depth PNG containing the registered output. It also makes partial results- for example - registrator_intermediate_7.png - which contains the first 7 imagesregistered together. This is useful if the registration derails.

Copy JPEGs from the camera or convert RAW format into PPMs.Run registrator with OVERWRITE=1 and filenames as parameters. Example:OVERWRITE=1 registrator p100????.jpg p101????.ppmRegistrator will print a lot ofmatching progress info. Let's assume you have 100 files on input.Then Registrator produces registrator_intermediate_1.png to registrator_intermediate_99.pngand registrator_output.png which is the last frame.TroubleshootingError during make, undefined reference to png_create_write_structMake sure libpng is installed on the system including the header files(png.h). Maybe you need png-dev, libpng-dev, png-devel or libpng-devel package.Various Linux distributions install libraries into various places. There is nostandard for that. Maybe some library is in an unexpected location. Pleasetell me the error so I can try to fix it.

Let'sa imagine the real picture consists of pixels 2 times finer than thecamera has. In 1D situation, The camera always takes 2 pixels together (ifit's precisely aligned) or 1 pixel and parts of 2 other pixels. Now we assumethe pixel offsets are uniformly distributed. Let's take a sample image0,0,0,1,0,0,0 and calculate resulting images when many such images (upsampled bynearest neighbor after being photograped) are registered. In case the examinedpixel falls within the big pixel, it produces the core 1,2,1. In the other case,it produces core 2,5,6,5,2. If the 1st core is scaled to the same sum7,14,7 and the cores added, we get 2,12,20,12,2, or 1,6,10,6,1. This is aconvolution of two cores: 1,2,1 and 1,4,1. The 1,4,1 is actually caused by theregistration and the 1,2,1 by smearing always two pixels together. 1,4,1 is alreadyremoved by the registrator. So we have to remove 1,2,1. In comparison to 1,4,1it's impossible to remove completely since some frequencies (the highest) iszeroed out so we would have to divide by zero. So we take a near core like 1,2.5,1or 1,3,1 and remove that one. The particular middle number of the core hasto be tried out manually to get the best tradeoff between fringes and blurriness.

I want to register new containers to consul using registrator and than add it to the traefik load balancer using service tags and then consume those service from outside of my docker host.

Can someone please point me where I am making mistake. I have spent several days on it to make it work.

I had this exact same problem for a Java based service that needed to form a Hazelcast cluster dynamically. Out of that use case I came up with a generic library that you can drop into your Java container application called docker-discovery-registrator-consul which is available at: -discovery-registrator-consul

To solve these problems meetregistrator. It is designed to be runas an independent Docker container. It will sit there quietly, watching for newcontainers that are started on the same host where it is currently running,extracting information from them and then registering those containers with yourservice discovery solution. It will also watch for containers that are stopped(or simply die) and will deregister them.Additionally, it supports pluggable service discovery mechanisms so you are notrestricted to any particular solution.

To summarize what we have done so far, we have 3 different hosts each running aConsul agent and a registrator container. The registrator instance on each hostwatches for changes in docker containers for that host and talks to the localConsul agent.

When I get the chance to greenfield with a new application my intention is to learn something new. Since I really like Go and not being fully adept at the time, the language choice was easy. To make my life a little less complicated I also used Docker. Consul helps in keeping track of my services and registrator makes sure my services are registered in consul.

The SERVICE_NAME and SERVICE_TAGS environment variables are used for passing additional information to registrator which it can't figure out otherwise.

The Docker compose part is very simple and looks like this:

Google har indget en aftale med Squarespace, Inc. vedrrende opkbet af alle Google Domains' registreringer af domnenavne. Squarespace er registrator for dit domne, og Squarespaces servicevilkr er gldende. Google administrerer dog dit domne i en overgangsperiode. Efter en overgangsperiode vil dit domne blive overflyttet til Squarespace, og ved overfrsel vil dine data vre underlagt Squarespaces privatlivspolitik. F flere oplysninger om aftalen.

Vigtigt! De fleste domneoverfrsler tager op til 5 dage at gennemfre. Hvis du vil annullere en overfrsel, fr den registreres hos den nye registrator, skal du gre det, fr overfrslen er gennemfrt.

Nr overfrslen er gennemfrt, skal du angive og verificere disse oplysninger igen hos den nye registrator. Denne proces kan ndre de oplysninger om registranten og administratoren eller den tekniske kontaktperson, som blev angivet ved registreringen.

As soon as you run consul-template (and I assume you have all 4 containers running by now,and in this very order:

consul, registrator, nginx, consul-template), it should update simple.config, which should look something like below now: e24fc04721

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