BeFunky's Photo Editor was one of the first to offer online photo effects and filters. Starting with our Cartoonizer, we've grown our library of filters extensively, empowering you to achieve your creative vision. We have a wide selection of features that'll take you from photo to art, filters to fit a certain aesthetic, an assortment of A.I. tools for one-click simplicity, and everything in between.

BeFunky gives you more free photo filters and effects than any other online photo editor, with hundreds of options. Our collection of photo effects includes standout photo filters like Winter, Cinematic, Glitch, and Lens Flares that can be customized and applied in just a few clicks. You can stack multiple effects on your image to create a unique, signature look and put our A.I.-powered Background Remover to work to isolate the subject in your photo and selectively apply the photo filter to your image!

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Although originally designed for use in SVG, filter effects are a set of operations to apply on an image buffer and therefore can be applied to nearly any presentational environment, including CSS. They are triggered by a style instruction (the filter property). This specification describes filters in a manner that allows them to be used in content styled by CSS, such as HTML and SVG. It also defines a CSS property value function that produces a CSS value.

A filter effect is a graphical operation that is applied to an element as it is drawn into the document. It is an image-based effect, in that it takes zero or more images as input, a number of parameters specific to the effect, and then produces an image as output. The output image is either rendered into the document instead of the original element, used as an input image to another filter effect, or provided as a CSS image value.

A small set of canned filter functions that are given by name. While not particularly powerful, these are convenient and easily understood and provide a simple approach to achieving common effects, such as blurring. The canned filters can also be animated by [CSS3-ANIMATIONS].

A graph of individual filter effects described in markup that define an overall effect. The graph is agnostic to its input in that the effect can be applied to any content. While such graphs are the combination of effects that may be simple in isolation, the graph as a whole can produce complex effects. An example is given below.

Filter primitive feGaussianBlur takes input SourceAlpha, which is the alpha channel of the source graphic. The result is stored in a temporary buffer named "blur". Note that "blur" is used as input to both filter primitives 2 and 3.

Filter primitive feMerge composites two layers together. The lower layer consists of the drop shadow result from filter primitive 2. The upper layer consists of the specular lighting result from filter primitive 5.

This specification defines a set of CSS properties that affect the visual rendering of elements to which those properties are applied; these effects are applied after elements have been sized and positioned according to the Visual formatting model from [CSS21]. Some values of these properties result in the creation of a containing block, and/or the creation of a stacking context.

The compositing model follows the SVG compositing model [SVG11]: first any filter effect is applied, then any clipping, masking and opacity [CSS3COLOR]. These effects all apply after any other CSS effects such as border [CSS3BG].

Some property and element definitions in this specification require an SVG 1.1 implementation [SVG11]. UAs without support for SVG must not implement the color-interpolation-filters, flood-color, flood-opacity and lighting-color properties as well as the filter element, the feMergeNode element, the transfer function elements and the filter primitive elements.

The set of elements that control the output of a filter element, particularly: feSpotLight, feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feDropShadow, feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence.

A filter reference to a filter element. For example url(commonfilters.svg#filter). If the filter references a non-existent object or the referenced object is not a filter element, then the whole filter chain is ignored. No filter is applied to the object.

A value other than none for the filter property results in the creation of a containing block for absolute and fixed positioned descendants unless the element it applies to is a document root element in the current browsing context. The list of functions are applied in the order provided.

The first filter function or filter reference in the list takes the element (SourceGraphic) as the input image. Subsequent operations take the output from the previous filter function or filter reference as the input image. filter element reference functions can specify an alternate input, but still uses the previous output as its SourceGraphic.

A computed value of other than none results in the creation of a stacking context [CSS21] the same way that CSS opacity does. All the elements descendants are rendered together as a group with the filter effect applied to the group as a whole.

The compositing model follows the SVG compositing model [SVG11]: first any filter effect is applied, then any clipping, masking and opacity. As per SVG, the application of filter has no effect on hit-testing.

To serialize the , serialize as per their individual grammars, in the order the grammars are written in, avoiding expressions where possible, serialize filter arguments as specified, avoiding transformations, joining space-separated tokens with a single space, and following each serialized comma with a single space.

If primitiveUnits is equal to userSpaceOnUse, any length values within the filter definitions represent values in the current local coordinate system in place at the time when the filter element is referenced (i.e., the user coordinate system for the element referencing the filter element via a filter property).

If primitiveUnits is equal to objectBoundingBox, then any length values within the filter definitions represent fractions or percentages of the bounding box on the referencing element (see object bounding box units). Note that if only one number was specified in a value this number is expanded out before the primitiveUnits computation takes place.

filter elements are never rendered directly; their only usage is as something that can be referenced using the filter property. The display property does not apply to the filter element; thus, filter elements are not directly rendered even if the display property is set to a value other than none, and filter elements are available for referencing even when the display property on the filter element or any of its ancestors is set to none.

A filter element can define a filter region on the canvas to which a given filter effect applies and can provide a resolution for any intermediate continuous tone images used to process any raster-based filter primitives. The filter element has the following attributes which work together to define the filter region:

If filterUnits is equal to userSpaceOnUse, x, y, width, height represent values in the current user coordinate system in place at the time when the filter element is referenced (i.e., the user coordinate system for the element referencing the filter element via a filter property).

The bounds of this rectangle act as a hard clipping region for each filter primitive included with a given filter element; thus, if the effect of a given filter primitive would extend beyond the bounds of the rectangle (this sometimes happens when using a feGaussianBlur filter primitive with a very large stdDeviation), parts of the effect will get clipped.

Unless otherwise stated, all image filters operate on premultiplied RGBA samples. Some filters like feColorMatrix and feComponentTransfer work more naturally on non-premultiplied data. For the time of the filter operation, all color values must temporarily be transformed to the required color multiplication of the current filter.

The RGBA result from each filter primitive will be clamped into the allowable ranges for colors and opacity values. Thus, for example, the result from a given filter primitive will have any negative color values or opacity values adjusted up to color/opacity of zero.

Sometimes filter primitives result in undefined pixels. For example, filter primitive feOffset can shift an image down and to the right, leaving undefined pixels at the top and left. In these cases, the undefined pixels are set to transparent black.

To provide high quality rendering, all filter primitives should operate in a device dependent coordinate space, the operating coordinate space, taking device pixel density, user space transformations and zooming into account. To provide a platform independent alignment, attribute and property values are often relative to a coordinate system described by the primitiveUnits attribute. User agents must scale these relative attributes and properties to the operating coordinate space.

is an [CSS3VAL] and an assigned name for this filter primitive. If supplied, then graphics that result from processing this filter primitive can be referenced by an in attribute on a subsequent filter primitive within the same filter element. If no value is provided, the output will only be available for re-use as the implicit input into the next filter primitive if that filter primitive provides no value for its in attribute.

Identifies input for the given filter primitive. The value can be either one of six keywords or can be a string which matches a previous result attribute value within the same filter element. If no value is provided and this is the first filter primitive, then this filter primitive will use SourceGraphic as its input. If no value is provided and this is a subsequent filter primitive, then this filter primitive will use the result from the previous filter primitive as its input. 2351a5e196

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