
My Google Scholar

Manuscripts 2024 and pre-prints 

(*lab members)

SizeAcross: a global dataset of size spectra across aquatic ecosystems and trophic levels (under revision)

Arranz I, Ersoy Z, Evangelista C, et al

Global patterns in niches breadth of aquatic insects (under revision)

Grigoropoulou A, Saito VS, et al. 

Can omnivory explain variation in size-density relationships? The case of Leptonema in a neotropical stream (under review)

Robert V*, Mello JLS*, Shimabukuro EM*, Saito VS

Aquatic-terrestrial linkages drive strong predator biodiversity patterns in the tropics  (under review)

Nash L, Recalde F, Chambers T, Saito VS, Romero GQ, Kratina P

BioTIME 2.0: expanding and improving a database of biodiversity time series (under review)

Dornelas et al. (more than a 100 collaborators)

Microcrustaceans diversity and dynamics in the Congo River Basin (under review)

Perbiche-Neves et al.

A primer of size-structured metacommunities (submitted - invited book chapter) 

Saito VS & Perkins DM

Human land-use and non-native species interact to modify the size spectra of fish communities and reduce fisheries yield

Moi et al.

Intraspecific competition along different life stages can stabilize coexistence among dragonflies and damselflies

Pestana GC*, Zanatta FO*, Saciloti E*, Saito VS

Keystone communities underpin metacommunity reorganization after agrochemical contamination in aquatic ecosystems 

(from our MesoDisper experiment)

Vieira et al.

Nitrate enrichment is the main driver of changes in tropical diatom communities in experimental streams subjected to multiple stressors (from our first ExStream experiment)

Maciel et al. 

The experimental effects of multiple agricultural stressors on the diversity and size structure of tropical stream macroinvertebrates (from our first ExStream experiment)

Segatti et al. 

Published papers

36 - Ecological perspectives on the organization of biodiversity in neotropical streams (2024) Hydrobiologia

Valente-Neto FV*, Mello JLS*, Pestana GC*, Shimabukuro EM*, de Siqueira AS*, Covich AC, Saito VS

*lab mambers

35 - Untangling the complex food webs of tropical rainforest streams (2024) Journal of Animal Ecology

Saito VS, Kratina P, Barbosa G, Ferreira FC, Leal JB*, Zemelka G, Sarmento H, Perkins D  

*undergrad student

Here is an invited blog post about this study

34 - The relationships between biotic uniqueness and environmental uniqueness are context-dependent across drainage basins worldwide (2024) Landscape Ecology

Snåre, H., García-Girón, J., Alahuhta, J., Bini, L.M., Boda, P., Bonada, N., Brasil, L.S., Callisto, M., Castro, D.M.P., Chen, K., Csabai, Z., Datry, T., Domisch, S., García-Marquez, J.R., Floury, M., Friberg, N., Gill, B.A., González-Trujillo, J.D., Göthe, E., Haase, P., Hamada, N., Hill, M.J., Hjort, J., Juen, L., Jupke, J.F., Justino de Faria, A.P., Li, Z., Ligeiro, R., Linares, M.S., Andrade, A.L., Macedo, D.R., Mathers, K.L., Mellado-Diaz; A., Milosevic, D., Moya, N., Poff, N.L., Rolls, R.J., Roque, F.O., Saito, V.S., Sandin, L., Schäfer, R.B., Scotti, A., Siqueira, T., Martins, R.T., Valente-Neto, F*, Wang, B., Wang, J., Xie, Z. & Heino, J. 

32 - Community reorganization stabilizes freshwater ecosystems in intensively managed agricultural fields (2023) Journal of Applied Ecology

Schiesari L, Saito VS*, Oliveira JC, Carmo J, Espíndola ELG, Ferreira J, Freitas LS, Goebbels AJ, Leite JPCB, Montagner C, Munin NCG, Pelinson RM, Querido BB, Rossetto R, Saldanha E, R Taniwaki, Martinelli LA 

*equal contribution of the first two authors

FAPESP's release of this paper:

30 - How can the copepod Mesocyclops longisetus (Thiébaud, 1912) be used to effectively control mosquito production in pots, plates and slabs? (2023) 

Journal of Tropical Ecology

Lima-Keppe I, Saito VS, Soares JF, Nunes-Silva A, Ostrenski A, Ferreira IEP, Perbiche-Neves G 

29 - Catchment scale deforestation increases the uniqueness of subtropical stream communities (2022)


Schneck F, Bini LM, Melo AS, Petsch DK, Saito VS, Wengrat S, Siqueira T 

28 - Stochastic colonisation dynamics can be a major driver of temporal β diversity in Atlantic Forest coastal stream communities (2021)

Freshwater Biology

Saito VS, Stoppa NE*, Shimabukuro E, Cañedo-Argüelles M, Bonada N, Siqueira T 

26- The riverine bioreactor: an integrative perspective on biological decomposition of organic matter across riverine habitats (2021)

Peralta-Maráver et al. (23 researchers from Brazil and the UK)

Science of the Total Environment

24- Boreal and subtropical streams show different levels of beta diversity, but land use intensity does not cause biotic homogenization in both regions (2021) 

Petsch DK, Saito VS, Landeiro V, Silva TSF, Bini LM, Heino J, Soininen J, Tolonen K, Jyrkänkallio-Mikkola J, Pajunen V, Siqueira T and Melo AS 

Freshwater Science

Featured article:

23- Historical legacies and contemporary processes shape beta diversity in Neotropical montane streams (2020)

González-Trujillo JD, Saito VS, Petsch DK, Muñoz I, Sabater S

 Journal of Biogeography

The leading author (JD) was featured in this post-release text, where he explains our paper:

This study received a 'Mención de Honor - Premio Medalla Humboldt-Caldas ' from the Colombian Academy of Sciences and the German Embassy due to its contribution to Biogeography. 

22- Community size can affects the signals of selection and ecological drift on biodiversity (2020) 

T Siqueira, VS Saito, LM Bini, AS Melo, D Petsch, V Landeiro, K Tolonen, J Jyrkankallio-Mikkola, J Soininen, J Heino


A pre-print of this article was recommended by Dr. Eric Harvey for PCI Ecology 

Here is also a post-release text at FAPESP site: 

21- Comparing taxon- and trait-environment relationships in stream communities (2020)  

VS Saito, T Siqueira, LM Bini, R Costa-Pereira, E Santos, S Pavoine 

Ecological Indicators

20- Pollution tolerance, flight capacity, and natural history explains metacommunity structure in high-altitude stream insects (2020) 

Santos MR, Saito VS, Pamplim PAZ, Pereira AA, Fonseca-Gessner AA

Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia

19- A Humboldtian approach to mountain conservation and freshwater ecosystem services (2019)

M Callisto, R Solar, FAO Silveira, VS Saito, RM Hughes, CBM Alves, GW Fernandes, JF Gonçalves Júnior, RP Leitão, RL Massara, DR Macedo, FS Neves

Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 

Our main message is within the video below developed by Bob Solar:

18- The use of phylogenetic diversity in conservation biology and community ecology: a common base but different approaches (2019) 

S Veron, VS Saito, N Padilla, F Forest, Y Bertheau. 

The Quarterly Review of Biology

17- Distinct responses of Copepoda and Cladocera diversity to climatic, environmental, and geographic filters in the La Plata River basin (2019)

G Perbiche-Neves, VS Saito, NR Simões, JR Debastiani-Júnior, ...


16- Egg‐laying traits reflect shifts in dragonfly assemblages in response to different amount of tropical forest cover (2019)

ME Rodrigues, FDO Roque, R Guillermo‐Ferreira, VS Saito, MJ Samways

Insect Conservation and Diversity

15- Subtropical streams harbour higher genus richness and lower abundance of insects compared to boreal streams, but scale matters (2018)

J Heino, AS Melo, J Jyrkänkallio‐Mikkola, DK Petsch, VS Saito, ...

Journal of Biogeography 

** Editor's choice of September 2018

14- Phylogenetic structure of communities between temperate and tropical regions: Exploring patterns through literature datasets (2018)

CA Martins, M Silveira, VS Saito, R Costa-Pereira, LSM Sugai, O Pays, ...

Acta Oecologica 

13- Ecological versatility and the assembly of multiple competitors: cautionary notes for assembly inferences (2018)

VS Saito, F Laroche, T Siqueira, S Pavoine


12- Cyclopoid copepods as bioindicators of eutrophication in reservoirs: Do patterns hold for large spatial extents? (2016)

G Perbiche-Neves, VS Saito, D Previattelli, CEF da Rocha, MG Nogueira

Ecological Indicators 

11- Phylogenetic clustering among aggressive competitors: evidence from odonate assemblages along a riverine gradient (2016)

VS Saito, F Valente-Neto, ME Rodrigues, F de Oliveira Roque, T Siqueira


10- Evidence of species sorting driving aquatic beetles associated with woody debris in a transitional region between Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes (2016)

F Valente-Neto, VS Saito, T Siqueira, AA Fonseca-Gessner

Aquatic Ecology 

9- Phylogenies and traits provide distinct insights about the historical and contemporary assembly of aquatic insect communities (2016)

VS Saito, MV Cianciaruso, T Siqueira, AA Fonseca‐Gessner, S Pavoine

Ecology and Evolution 

8- How does leaf litter chemistry influence its decomposition and colonization by shredder Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae in a tropical stream? (2016)

LA Leite-Rossi, VS Saito, MB Cunha-Santino, S Trivinho-Strixino


7- Dispersal traits drive the phylogenetic distance decay of similarity in Neotropical stream metacommunities (2015)

VS Saito, J Soininen, AA Fonseca‐Gessner, T Siqueira

Journal of Biogeography 

** Featured by F1000 

6- How Should Ecologists Define Sampling Effort? The Potential of Procrustes Analysis for Studying Variation in Community Composition (2015)

VS Saito, AA Fonseca‐Gessner, T Siqueira


5- How Does Landscape Modification Induce Biological Homogenization in Tropical Stream Metacommunities? (2015)

T Siqueira, CGLT Lacerda, VS Saito


4- Should phylogenetic and functional diversity metrics compose macroinvertebrate multimetric indices for stream biomonitoring? (2015)

VS Saito, T Siqueira, AA Fonseca-Gessner


3- Taxonomic composition and feeding habits of Chironomidae in Cerrado streams (Southeast Brazil): impacts of land use changes (2014)

VS Saito, AA Fonseca-Gessner

Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 

2- Macroinvertebrates under stochastic hydrological disturbance in Cerrado streams of Central Brazil (2012)

VS Saito, GR Mazão

Iheringia. Série Zoologia 

1- Characterization of galls, insect galls and associated fauna of Ecological Station of Jataí (Luiz Antônio, SP) (2012)

VS Saito, MV Urso-Guimarães

Biota Neotropica 

My master thesis

Macroinvertebrados aquáticos em riachos de Cerrado: Abordagens ecológicas teórica e aplicada

VS Saito 3/2013

Universidade Federal de São Carlos

My doctoral dissertation

Padrões de montagem de comunidades: investigando a estrutura funcional e filogenética para inferir processos em comunidades naturais

VS Saito 12/2016

Universidade Federal de São Carlos