Selected Invitations
IEEE 35th International Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Conference
Edge-AI: The Next Big Thing in MEMS
2022Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) Summit & Research Symposium
2022NASA Goddart Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Goddart Space Flight Center, MD
November 2018National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
November 2018: International VLBI Technology Workshop, "Machine Learning and Cloud Correlation: Opportunities for VLBI"NASA Machine Learning, Boulder, CO
April 2018Schlumberger-Doll Research, Cambridge, MA
April 2018: "Computer-Aided Discovery in the Geosciences"NASA Cloud Analytics, Annapolis, MD
February 2018: "Can a Machine Win a Nobel Prize? Implications for Cloud Analytics”Math+X Data Science Symposium, Rice University, TX
January 2018, "Computer-Aided Discovery: Can a Machine win a Nobel Prize?"Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
June 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryNvidia, Santa Clara, CA
July 2017, Talk on Computer-Aided DiscoveryMax Planck Institute, Bonn
April 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryNASA Goddart Space Flight Center, Maryland
April 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryOracle, Redwood Shores
April 2017, Talk on Computer-Aided DiscoveryNASA AMES, CA
April 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryIntel, San Jose, CA
April 2017, GPS, Mobile Phones, and Cloud Computing in Space Weather Applications and BeyondNASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena
March 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryGerman Parliament, Berlin
March 2017, Education, Research & Technology Assessment MeetingNASA Langley / National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, Virginia
February 2017, Colloquium on Computer-Aided DiscoveryNASA Headquarters, Washington DC
January 2017, Computer-Aided Discovery: Insight Generation with Machine SupportHarvard University
October 2016, Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) - Harvard–Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsGoogle, Digital Science, Nature Publishing Group, O'Reilly
July 2016, Interdisciplinary SciFoo conferenceUS National Science Foundation, Washington DC
April 2016; "Big Data in Remote Sensing: Challenges & Solutions" seminar speakerHarvard University, Center for Astrophysics
April 2016University of New Hampshire
October 2015; colloquium speakerLIGO Lab (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory)
October 2014; seminar speaker: "Computer-Aided Discovery: Scalable Machine Assistance for Big Data Science"Harvard University
September 2014, seminar speaker: "Big Computing and Computer-Aided Discovery in Astronomy"American Astronomical Society Meeting, Boston
June 2014, Invited Speaker: "Big Computing in Astronomy"Boston College, Newton
September 2013, seminar speaker: "Mobile Devices in Space Weather Monitoring"CERN – European Laboratory for Particle Physics and Nuclear Research
July 2012 (after discovery of new boson) Geneva, Switzerland - Research seminar invited speaker:
"Dealing with BIG Data - Exploiting the Potential of Multicore Parallelism and Auto-Tuning"Centre For Research On Evolution, Search And Testing – London, UK
March 2012 University College London - Research seminar invited speakerLinkoping University, Sweden
November 2011 Research seminar invited talk on Multicore Software EngineeringAcademy of Sciences – Heidelberg, Germany
November 2011 Networking meeting with academy members as part of the Landesstiftung elite program for Post-docsUniversity of Vienna, Austria
November 2011 Invited talk: "Advances in Automatic Performance Tuning on Multicore"National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
September 2011 - Invited talkOracle, Redwood Shores, California, USA
June 2011 Invited talk: "Perspectives for Database Systems and Programming Languages in the Multicore Age"Intel, Santa Clara, California, USA
June 2011 Invited talk: "New Directions in Automatic Performance Tuning"US Department of Energy
August 2010 Invited talk at CsCADSMicrosoft Research, Redmond, USA
April 2010 Invited talk on Multicore Software EngineeringIT summit of the German government (hosting chancellor Angela Merkel)
December 2009 Presentation of Multicore Software Engineering Young Investigator GroupMicrosoft Research, Redmond, USA
September 2009 Invited talk: "Empirical Lessons for Multicore Software Development"University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA
September 2009 Invited talk: "Transactional Memory vs. Locks - A Comparative Case Study"IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA
August 2009 Invited talk: "Multicore for everyone? Implications for Software Engineering."Accenture Technology Labs, San José, California, USA
March 2009 Invited talk: "Towards Industrial-Strength Multicore Software Engineering. How far are we?"Intel, Santa Clara, California, USA
March 2009 Invited talk: "Multicore Software Engineering - From Case Studies to Research Questions"Intel, Santa Clara, California, USA
February 2009 Invited talk: "Does Transactional Memory keep its promises? Results from an empirical study"Stanford University, USA
February 2009 Invited talk: "Multicore Software Engineering - From Case Studies to Research Questions"Sun Microsystems Labs, Menlo Park, California, USA
February 2009 Invited talk: "Multicore Software Engineering - From Case Studies to Research Questions"Heidelberg Innovation Forum, Heidelberg, Germany
November 27, 2007 Patent presentation "Automated Visual Web Page Testing"Fraunhofer Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering (IESE), Kaiserslautern, Germany
August 18, 2005 Invited Talk: "Product Lines in E-Learning"
IEEE AI-IoT 2023
IEEE World AI IoT Congress
"Trends in Sensing Applications and AI at the Edge"OR 2022
International Conference on Operations Research 2022TinyML2022
Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) Summit & Research Symposium, Burlingame, CA, 2022
"Sensing Applications as a Driver for TinyML Solutions"Multicore World & HPC 2015
The Square Kilometre Array Example
"Computer-Aided Discovery in Astronomy", Feb 2015, Wellington, New ZealandPADTAD/ISSTA 2012
"Improving Multicore Software Quality With Data Mining and Crowdsourcing Techniques", 10th PADTAD/ISSTA'12, Jul 2012, Minneapolis, USAMCC 2011
"Ubiquitous Auto-Tuning", November 2011, 4th MCC, Nov 2011, Linköping, SwedenPPAM 2011
Autotuning Symposium -Int’l. Conf. on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), Sep 2011, Torun, PolandiWAPT/ICSS 2011
"The Future of Auto-Tuning", 7th iWAPT/ICCS'12, Jun 2011, Singapore
Data Science with Scikit Data Access and Scikit Discovery
C. Rude, G. Rongier, V. Pankratius. 2nd Annual Radio Science Symposium, MIT Haystack, Westford, MA, USA, November 8, 2017Multicore Software Engineering and Auto-Tuning.
Victor Pankratius. 34th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland
[52 proposal submissions, 17 accepted]Multicore Software Engineering.
Victor Pankratius. Technical Briefing at FSE/ESEC2011, Szeged, HungaryMulticore Software Engineering.
Victor Pankratius, Walter F. Tichy, Beverly Bachmayer. Full-Day Tutorial at the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), Cape Town, South AfricaMulticore Software Engineering.
Victor Pankratius, Walter F. Tichy, Peter Hinsbeeck. Full-Day Tutorial at OOP 2010, January 25, Munich, GermanyMulticore Software Engineering.
Victor Pankratius, Walter F. Tichy, Jeff Gallagher. Full-Day Tutorial at the 31st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), Vancouver, CanadaTransactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study
Victor Pankratius. Talk at "Technical Briefing on Multicore Software Engineering", Special Session at the 31st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), Vancouver, Canada
Community Service
Integrating Machine Learning for Planetary Science: Perspectives for the Next Decade, Azari et al. Jul 2020,
A White Paper to the NRC Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032 Committees
14th Int'l Conf. Internet of Things (IoT-24); 13th Int'l Conf. Internet of Things (IoT-23); AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20, AAAI-19, AAAI-18) Workshop on Engineering Dependable and Secure Machine Learning Systems (EDSMLS'18'19,'20); (AstroInfo'16) Astroinformatics 2016; (ParCo'17,'15, '13,'11) Int'l Conference on Parallel Computing; (SAC'16-MUSEPAT) 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing - Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, Applications and Tools track; (SAC'15) 30th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, 2015; (SBAC-PAD'14) 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2014; (ICSE’14) 36th ACM/IEEE Intl’ Conference on Software Engineering; (IPDPS’14,'13) 27th IEEE Intl’ Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium; (MUSEPAT',13, 12) Intl’ Conf. on Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools; 2nd Intl’ Conference Facing the Multicore-Challenge, 2011; (PADTAD/ISSTA’11) 9th ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging; (TRANSACT/FCRC'11) 6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Transactional Computing; (iWAPT'10) 5th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning; (MuCoCoS'10) 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Core Computing Systems; (ICPP'09) 38th International Conference on Parallel Processing; (IWMSE08-IWMSE11) International Workshop on Multicore Software EngineeringExternal Reviewing Boards
(ICS'14) 28th International Conference on Supercomputing; (PPoPP'11,13, 14) ACM Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming; (SIGCSE'05–'09) ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education; (ItiCSE'05–'09) Annual Conf. on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science EducationJournal Reviews
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems; IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems; IEEE Transactions on Reliability; IEEE Communications; Elsevier Journal of Parallel Computing; Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing; Elsevier Journal of Web Semantics; Elsevier Information and Software Technology; Elsevier International Journal of Information Management; IBM Journal of Research and Development; IET Software; IJES Special Issue on Reconfigurable and Multi-core Embedded Systems; MDPI Sensors; Springer Empirical Software Engineering; Springer Distributed and Parallel Databases; Springer Computing Journal; Wiley Software: Practice & Experience; Wiley Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability; Wiley Software: Evolution and Process; Wiley Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
National Research Fund Proposal Reviews
NASA; US National Science Foundation (NSF); German National Science Foundation (DFG); Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF); Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)Advisory Committees, Panels
NASA; US National Science Foundation (NSF); Intelligent Systems in Geosciences (NSF research coordination network,
Instrument Design Reviews / CDR
ASTRON, Netherlands
Organization of Conferences and Workshops
International Conference on Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools (MSEPT'12); (IWMSE 2008-2011) International Workshop on Multicore Software Engineering, co-located with ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering); WI2007