

University of Victoria, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2

How to Get here

There are a few options to get here.

  • Ferry from Vancouver: There is a regular ferry from Vancouver, Tsawwasen terminal. Ferries leave once an hour but please check the schedule as sometimes they are at 2 hours gap. You can bring your car on the ferry, but for that it is advised to book in advance as there is only limited car space in the ferry. Please check BC ferries for further info. It is a 1 hour ride by bus from the ferry terminal and about 25 mins by car.

  • Ferry from Seattle: There is a clipper ferry service from Seattle downtown, but it is less frequent than the one from Vancouver. Please check the Clipper website. This drops you off at Downtown Victoria from which the university is about 20 min cab ride.

  • Seaplane: There is an option of taking a seaplane, both from Seattle and Vancouver. Check out

  • Normal flight: Victoria has an international airport and usual flight is also an option. It is about 25 mins drive by car / taxi from the airport.

If you have further questions, please contact the local organizers:

  • Anthony Quas email:

  • Gourab Ray email:

  • Yu-Ting email: