
Quantum Sensing with Ensemble NV centers in Diamond

In this work, ensemble Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers coupled to laser written waveguide will be used for magnetic field and temperature sensing paving path towards quantum metrology.

More information: Waveguide array for Magnetometry

Single SiV center coupled with waveguides for Quantum Information processing

Silicon Vacancy (SiV) color centers in diamond have emerged as suitable candidates for Qubits. In this work, waveguides coupled to single SiV centers which are Ion-Implanted will be used for single photon manipulation experiments. Further engineering of the waveguide structure enables on-chip Hong-Ou-Mandel single photon interference experiments.  

More information: Single SiV coupled to waveguide

Ultrafast laser micromachining of photonic and microfluidic components for Lab-on-a-Chip

Femtosecond laser writing has emerged as a powerful tool for integrated photonic and microfluidic in transparent materials. In this work, we will used laser micromachining to realize integrated circuits in diamond consisting of Bragg reflectors, directional couplers and microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip applications.

More information: Femtosecond laser micromachining in diamond

Laser induced color center creation in other materials

It has been shown that single femtosecond laser pulse has the ability to create defects which behave as single photon sources. This technique will be researched on other materials like hBN, GaN, SiC and SiN. Laser writing will be employed to form single photon sources with good spectral properties in these upcoming materials for future quantum technologies. 

More information: Laser induced color center creation