What was your First Mobile Phone?

Which company made the first mobile phone?

Motorola was the first company to manufacture the Mobile Phone.

John Francis Mitchell was a man of vision who was influential in the creation of wireless devices. One of his most recognizable contributions to technology, particularly wireless technology, was the role that he played in making the development of the first cell phone possible. He was an electronics engineer who would eventually become the president and the chief operating officer of Motorola during the 1980s. During the 1970s, before becoming the company's president and COO, Mitchell was the mobile and portable products chief engineer. While serving in this capacity he oversaw the development and the introduction of the first of the transistor pagers. .. read more

Dr. Martin Cooper

Dr. Martin Cooper is the man most often credited with creating the cell phone. His career at Motorola began in 1954, but his greatest accomplishment did not occur until the 1970s. While heading the car phone division at Motorola, Cooper became interested in developing a portable device that would not be restricted to vehicles. He has been known to credit the television program Star Trek as a source of inspiration for this idea. While working under John Mitchell, he and his team were able to come up with a prototype after only 90 days by holding a contest among Motorola engineers in 1972. . read more