WED 2019


“Air pollution”, the theme for World Environment Day 2019, is a call to action to combat one of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Chosen by this year’s host, China, the theme of World Environment Day 2019 invites us all to consider how we can make changes in our everyday lives to reduce the amount of air pollution we produce, and thwart its contribution to global warming and its effects on our own health.

How air pollution impacts your body

Air pollution is an invisible killer that lurks all around us, preying on the young and old. Learn how it slips unnoticed past our body's defenses causing deaths from heart attack, strokes, lung disease and cancer.

Assignment 1

WED 2019 - Assignment 1

Take The Mask Challenge

Make a pledge and challenge others to take action

  • Take a photo or video of yourself wearing a mask to post on social media with a caption to aware others. Don't have a mask?
  • Get creative and make your own!
  • In your post ask people what actions we can take to reduce air pollution
  • Tag 3 people/organizations/ companies to challenge them to do the same.
  • Use #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatAirPollution in your social media posts and don’t forget to tag @UNVIndia @UNEnvironment.

Resources to Share on your social media channels

Feel free to share them on your social media channels and bring awareness among peers

Tell the whole world - Thodi Hawa Aane De

Guide for Individuals to #BeatAirPollution


Participate in the Photo campaign

Use the poster shared below

Photocampaign - WED2019.pdf

Assignment 2

WED 2019 - Assignment 2