Veronica Fantini
Research Interests: resurgence and its applications to quantum modularity, Borel regularity for thimbles integrals and ODEs, etc.
Email: fantini <at> ihes <dot> fr
Office: 1S10 at IHES, 35 Route de Chartres, 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette
V. Fantini, Deformations of holomorphic pairs and 2d-4d wall-crossing, Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 26, No. 6 (2022), pp. 1705-1769.
V.Fantini, Scattering diagrams in mirror symmetry, Boll Unione Mat Ital (2023).
V. Fantini and A. Fenyes, Regular singular Volterra equations on complex domains, to appear in SIAM.
A. Nagar, R. Gamba, P. Rettegno, V. Fantini and S. Bernuzzi, Effective-one-body waveform model for non-circularized, planar, coalescing black hole binaries: the importance of radiation reaction, submitted to Phys. Rev. D.
V. Fantini and C. Rella, Strong-weak symmetry and quantum modularity of resurgent topological strings on local P2.
V. Fantini and C. Rella, Modular resurgent structures.
V.Fantini and A. Fenyes, The regularity of ODEs and thimble integrals with respect to Borel summation.
A. Nagar, S. Bernuzzi, D. Chiaramello, V. Fantini, R. Gamba, M. Panzeri, and P. Rettegno, Effective-one-body waveform model for noncircularized, planar, coalescing black hole binaries II: high accuracy by improving logarithmic terms in resummations, submitted to Phys. Rev. D.
Seminars on Quantum Modularity and Resurgence
Campbell Wheeler and I are organizing a series of seminars at IHES about "Quantum Modularity and Resurgence". The calendar is available at the dedicated webpage.