This technique was the starting point for vestige. Depending on the positioning, the number of layers and the type of shape used, you can obtain various different textures. Even though it takes a moment to run, the generated backgrounds are so much more interesting than plain regular background:

Although only his contributions to geological theory are remembered, Hutton was a doctor, farmer, mineralogist, chemist and philosopher. He was also a founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, to which on March 7 and April 4, 1785, he revealed his thoughts on the history of the earth. Our record of what he said is limited to a 5,000-word Abstract of a Dissertation ... concerning the System of the Earth, its Duration, and Stability. The magical words "no vestige" did not appear in print, however, until a quite different version of his ideas was published in 1788.

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Hutton used the same cosmological analogy. His great genius was to see the global scope, and indefinite time scale, of the mechanisms of change operating cyclically on earth. In 1795, he published the unfinished multivolume version of his theory that so many (unreasonably) find unreadable. The first chapter is an expanded version of the 1788 essay, beginning with the same opening paragraph and closing with the immortal "no vestige" sentence. But "no vestige" leaves room for ambiguity. On the one hand, he seems to be saying that the earth is infinitely old and therefore even, as Aristotle thought, eternal. On the other hand, harking back to the language of the abstract, he might merely be saying that we lack the means to discover the age of the earth. As he said eslewhere in the book: "It is in vain to seek for any computation of the time.?" Taken literally, his words state that no vestige of the original rocks that made up the earth can have survived the geological mill (or, as we now know, the plate tectonic smelter). Grains of zircon belonging to that first crust have survived, however, along with Hutton's genius and his most graceful words.

Vestiges are Others that are incomplete versions of something, usually a human; often compared to shadows. They are classified as Excorporate and Wages Others, and are less complete and stable than simulacrums or dopplegangers but more than glamours or illusions. They are closely related to ghosts, which can be considered a sub-type of vestige, one left behind be intense emotion.

It's also possible to create a Vestige from only a small portion of a person's Self, such as by stealing their shadow or reflection and using it to create a shadow version of them. In this case, the vestige is incomplete from the beginning, an imperfect copy.[1][8]

This weakness can be removed if the vestige is made into a Familiar, filling in the gaps with the Practitioner partner's humanity, although the details complete person that is created may be influenced by the Practitioner (consciously or unconsciously).[17][18]

In the days when the Soviet Union was the Soviet Union, andhistory was History, the mental picture of the world fittednicely the design of the Moscow subway. The up escalator wasreserved for the progressive species, who, with the Soviet Unionat the head of the pack, were ascending toward a socialistheaven. By contrast, such "vestiges of capitalism"(perezhitki kapitalizma) as greed, crime, and alcoholism weredriven down into History's pit. Now that the Soviet Union hasbecome history, and history itself has grown too shy to sport acapital H, capitalism in Russia may once again be looming as anascending species, but it would folly to suppose that vestiges ofsocialism will go softly into that good night. The most powerfulamong them and one of the greatest obstacles to economic reformis Russian egalitarianism -- a compulsion to demand immediateeconomic equity at whatever price.

This "vestige" has an eminent pedigree in Russianculture. Dating back to the first half of the nineteenth centurywhen socialist ideas became popular among the educated, itacquired its distinctly Russian character by fusing with theintelligentsia's reverence for the Russian peasant commune (mir).A key aspect of Russian nationalism, it was able to survive allthe vicissitudes of the country's history, even the end ofCommunism, and to this day continues to animate of the rhetoricand attitudes that block the introduction of a market economy. Asrecently as October of last year, the "vestige" hauntedRussia's legislators when they rejected Yeltsin's proposal toturn land to the peasants with the right to sell. In anotherversion, the law on land privitization was again rejected thisApril by the same august body, which seems to have yielded toYeltsin on many other fronts. The vestige has inspired theyear-long haggling over the privatization of Moscow's housingstock and in the on-again-off-again implementation of the projectto turn over the city's retail shops to employees or the highestbidder.

That story, too, is well-known in Russia, but the vestiges ofthe socialist mentality appear to be so deeply ingrained thateven after the collapse of the Party state, the social justicegame continues to gain influential players, among them suchpopular figures as Russia's Vice President, Alexander Rutzkoyand, apparently joining him in January, the Speaker of theParliament, Ruslan Khasbulatov, and countless former bureaucratsholed up in Russia's Supreme Soviet. If Rutzkoy's andKhasbulatov's objections to radical market reform are an instanceof political opportunism, it is the opportunism that isseamlessly bonded to a deep-seated prejudice, especially strongin men of power, against the power of the market place. The"socialist idea," as Mikhail Gorbachev and AlexanderYakovlev called the guiding star of this mentality, may havedimmed considerably, but it has hardly been extinguished, and mayyet flare up.

There are politicians in Russia, and Yeltsin and Gaidar appearto be among them, who have accepted the lessons of this otherEnlightenment tradition, one that may not have prevented a civilwar but did not culminate in the Guillotine or the Gulag. Thesepeople are prepared to work in a new way. But it remains to beseen whether they would be able to educate the public in anotherform of new thinking, exposing this vestige of socialism as apowerful weapon for establishing dictatorial rule. Unless thesenew people succeed, the advocates of social justice socialiststyle might once again evolve into a dangerous dominant species.A few billion dollars is a small price to pay for avoiding thishorrifying eventuality.

In essence, it's a similar system to the Venator shards obtained from the Phantom Muspah, where players hit the shard drop 5 times to assemble a Venator bow. Part of what this system achieves is preventing players from going too dry, because nobody likes going excessively dry. Conversely, it does also remove the chance to score the most sought-after drop on 1kc. In a sense, the randomness for obtaining a vestige is clamped so that the extremely dry and extremely 'spooned' players are a little closer to the average expected rate.

While the number of kills overall at each boss is high, a lot of these are made up of players having secured one kill for the quest itself, or from players hopping around between bosses to figure out which is their favourite. This drop system means the lowest theoretical killcount for obtaining an Ultor vestige from Vardorvis is 3, though this remains highly improbable.

In this case, the first two 'shards' are invisible, we opted for this approach so that eventually obtaining the vestige feels like a huge moment rather than feeling like incremental progress towards obtaining one (like with the Venator shards and eventual Venator bow. Sometimes it's nice to break big ticket items up into smaller, tangible pieces, but on the flip side it's much more exciting to just see a big drop all at once! We do want to experiment more with drops and how players obtain them to see what works well and what works less well and do feel that this is an approach that has potential. However we also appreciate that many players speculate the vestiges aren't working as intended or that they feel astronomically rare to the point of some choosing not to engage with the bosses until we explain further.

Hopefully this clears things up a little, we meant it when we said that you don't need to do anything special! If you're chasing a drop, you'll have a better chance of seeing your first vestige as your killcount climbs a little higher, and we expect to see a much more significant influx of vestiges as more players start racking up the kills!

From the Vestige of Catrin, follow the tracks into the next archway to the left of the vestige. Keep left and continue through the tunnels. It should lead you to an area with a number of cages. This is where you will find the Umbral belly in the corner next to where you entered the room. 17dc91bb1f

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