I spent ten years playing music by night and studying music therapy and clinical psychology by day. When I had a baby everything changed. Slowly, all of my efforts and talents culminated into one project that felt right.

During my studies in clinical psychology, I was taken by a class taught by Arietta Slade on different types of bonds a baby has to his/her mother. During that time, I had a baby at home the exact age of those being discussed; the material from class was bound to hit me in a personal way. We learned about what a parent can do to give the baby a feeling of security and protection, which allows the baby to feel safe enough to then go out into the world, in increasing spurts, explore, and eventually create new bonds with others.

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On my mornings off from school I would savor the time with my baby, and found that the moments during which I felt most in tune with him was when I was singing to him, he was singing back, and we were smiling at each other.

I felt compelled to share the music and the knowledge I had gained with other parents. Now, when parents tell me they are singing more with their baby and smiling more at each other as a result of my workshops and CD, I know that indeed all of my paths thus far have converged perfectly.

Thank you so much for the incredible experience of being in your class. As a new mom, so many of the things I was feeling were scary and overwhelming. Your songs and your words made me feel every week that they were not only normal and OK, but also a very special part of being a mom. The songs give me the opportunity to pause occasionally and recognize how magical my baby is, and how incredible a gift.

From the moment I greet Julia each morning to our playtime and meal time and bathtime, right up until our last cuddle each evening, your music is in my head (and often coming out of my mouth, albeit off key! )

I hope my daughter will sing your songs to HER children some day. They are timeless and very special.

My husband and I have been so incredibly touched by the magical, sweet, honest and funny lyrics in your songs. No matter how grown my son becomes over the years, I will always look back on this time with incredibly fond and sweet memories of listening to your music.

Simple clapping and rhyming games introduce your baby to rhythms and patterns of speech. While they might seem a little silly, research indicates that these types of games can actually contribute to cognitive and motor development. Enjoy the giggles as you play together with your baby.

Rhyme perception is an important predictor for future literacy. Assessing rhyme abilities, however, commonly requires children to make explicit rhyme judgements on single words. Here we explored whether infants already implicitly process rhymes in natural rhyming contexts (child songs) and whether this response correlates with later vocabulary size. In a passive listening ERP study, 10.5 month-old Dutch infants were exposed to rhyming and non-rhyming child songs. Two types of rhyme effects were analysed: (1) ERPs elicited by the first rhyme occurring in each song (rhyme sensitivity) and (2) ERPs elicited by rhymes repeating after the first rhyme in each song (rhyme repetition). Only for the latter a tentative negativity for rhymes from 0 to 200 ms after the onset of the rhyme word was found. This rhyme repetition effect correlated with productive vocabulary at 18 months-old, but not with any other vocabulary measure (perception at 10.5 or 18 months-old). While awaiting future replication, the study indicates precursors of phonological awareness already during infancy and with ecologically valid linguistic stimuli.

N2 - Rhyme perception is an important predictor for future literacy. Assessing rhyme abilities, however, commonly requires children to make explicit rhyme judgements on single words. Here we explored whether infants already implicitly process rhymes in natural rhyming contexts (child songs) and whether this response correlates with later vocabulary size. In a passive listening ERP study, 10.5 month-old Dutch infants were exposed to rhyming and non-rhyming child songs. Two types of rhyme effects were analysed: (1) ERPs elicited by the first rhyme occurring in each song (rhyme sensitivity) and (2) ERPs elicited by rhymes repeating after the first rhyme in each song (rhyme repetition). Only for the latter a tentative negativity for rhymes from 0 to 200 ms after the onset of the rhyme word was found. This rhyme repetition effect correlated with productive vocabulary at 18 months-old, but not with any other vocabulary measure (perception at 10.5 or 18 months-old). While awaiting future replication, the study indicates precursors of phonological awareness already during infancy and with ecologically valid linguistic stimuli.

AB - Rhyme perception is an important predictor for future literacy. Assessing rhyme abilities, however, commonly requires children to make explicit rhyme judgements on single words. Here we explored whether infants already implicitly process rhymes in natural rhyming contexts (child songs) and whether this response correlates with later vocabulary size. In a passive listening ERP study, 10.5 month-old Dutch infants were exposed to rhyming and non-rhyming child songs. Two types of rhyme effects were analysed: (1) ERPs elicited by the first rhyme occurring in each song (rhyme sensitivity) and (2) ERPs elicited by rhymes repeating after the first rhyme in each song (rhyme repetition). Only for the latter a tentative negativity for rhymes from 0 to 200 ms after the onset of the rhyme word was found. This rhyme repetition effect correlated with productive vocabulary at 18 months-old, but not with any other vocabulary measure (perception at 10.5 or 18 months-old). While awaiting future replication, the study indicates precursors of phonological awareness already during infancy and with ecologically valid linguistic stimuli. 17dc91bb1f

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